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Threads by latest replies - Page 22

No.4406054 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are safe alternatives to 4chan for like-minded people for photography?

Seeing of how I'm not tough enough for this site, are there sites I could go to that have photography, film, and filmmaking in it that have a supportive community, that enjoys Criterion Collection films. That is not a place that attempts to be a boot camp. A place where I can get the intelligence of the artists here, but try to supportive?
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No.4406094 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How important are these? What happens if you don't use it?
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/crg/ Camera Repair General

No.4405829 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fuck you making a new general, general.

The purpose of this general is to discuss your favourite poisons and ethers used to clean optics and sensors, tools and tooling for disassembling and repairing camera bodies/lenses, solvents and materials used for replacing shit that rots.

>thread question
What is your go to cleaning fluid? How do you control asshole dust particles? Why are my kim whipes so dusty?

Useful links:
>Fuck all right now

Poison of the day:
>Hydrogen peroxide - useful for removing fungus from lenses.

No.4400291 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the most you've spent on bits for an otherwise cheap camera body?
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No.4402789 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How did photographers for nat geo shoot slide film? did they carry external light meters? Did they bracket everything? did everyone use to bracket everything during the AE-1 and k1000 and kodachrome days? the only time I ever shot slide film I had some images exposed fine, but a decent number under exposed by less than a stop. something that isn't an issue on that camera with negative film and an issue I've only had with negative film when using disposable cameras or shooting in a dark concert with a point and shoot (and even then most of them that were in focus were fine). the thing annoying about that specific SLR is the meter displays in full stops and the shutter is in full stops, so to bracket I'd need to shoot manual so I can change the apertures by half a stop while maintaining shutter speed. And if I bracket I get 5 shots instead of 15. That is the one thing good about shooting digishit instead, I can just hold down the shutter and not care
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No.4403221 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm so fucking sick of trying to find photos/video footage capability of certain cameras on youtube and all I get is videos of some faggot talkingabout the camera and filming himself talk about it on a different camera.
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Remember This?

No.4405817 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I found out that FogCam! still exists on the internet. it wasn't unplugged!

No.4400577 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>go to look up micro43rds stuff
>all the stills reviewers are either 70 year old boomers or some flavor of brown.
>all the portrait samples are of ugly people
>only time someone like peta pixels talks about micro43 is for video
why is it just boomers and browns? the 20mm pancake and 75mm are pretty convenient on the smaller bodies.
>muh dof
the compression on the 75mm alone can give you good enough separation from the background for portraits. its a 150mm f/3.5. tons of people do portraits with 70-200mm f/4 lenses or 70-200mm f/2.8 lenses stopped down a stop
the 20mm isn't even bad either considering all the people who jerk off to their contax t2
20mm f/1.7 is 40mm f/3.5. A contax t2 is a 38mm f/2.8 you literally cannot set to f/2.8 and I'm sure the way that thing is programmed its shooting at f/8 or f/11 when in auto mode and only dropping the aperture when the shutter drops below 1/125th or something
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What's the deal with payed presets

No.4404751 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does this shit fly with anyone? Why would anyone pay so much for it?
Why is it impossible to torrent preset packs anymore? Why doesn't anyone upload them? It's literally just .xmp and .dcp files - it's fucking impossible to even drm or monitor their use.
I feel like I'm losing my mind, the newest shit you could pirate is VSCO shit from 10 years ago
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No.4404899 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's your opinion on Gerald Undone?
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