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Threads by latest replies - Page 17

No.1518013 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I got a two 30lb dumblels and idk what to do with them. All I know how to do are bicep curls, chest presses and shoulder presses. Is there anything else I should be doing with them or is that good enough?

No.1518015 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone know an app/website/service where you can get verification numbers that actually work for apps like tinder for free? Google voice isn't working.

Captcha bullshit

No.1517771 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I updated firefox and now captcha won't work. After I got it to work it made me go through the 900 seconds slog. Once done I try again and get immediately thrown into another 900 seconds slog. Same thing on 3rd try. I'm using the old version to post. Fairly certain no extension is to blame, I tried without them
12 posts and 1 image omitted

No.1517977 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Some years ago someone asked a DDL of a MMORPG called "Zentia". He only found a fake Brazilian link to download it.

Well, I just found it today.

No.1517942 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
sauce on this webm?

asking for a friend

Forgotten movie. Lost media?

No.1517966 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have had this memory of a movie for as long as I can remember but have never been able to find it. Most likely late 90s early 2000s. I’m not sure if it was a fever dream or what, but the only scene I can really remember is this.

It involved a guy in a suit, like a Barney the dinosaur suit, in the stall of the bathroom on set of wherever he was shooting. The main character looks over the stall and sees the guy without his costume head on and it’s some grotesque hillbilly guy. I’m pretty sure the guy in the costume was luring kids to the show to murder them or something but am not positive.

Gundam ocean dub films

No.1517826 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m trying to find the three compilation films for the 0079 Gundam
0079 Gundam MSG 0079 1
MSG 0079 2 , soldiers of sorrow
MSG 0079 3 , encounters in space
however I'm looking for a version where the English Dub is the ocean dub, which features Brad Swaile as Amuro, not the shitty bandai entertainment one with steve blum as "shah"
ive searched and and various other sites to no avail. Does anyone know of an Ocean dub version of these compilation films official or most likely fanmade? I know I watched them a long time ago but now I cant find it anywhere. Thanks

More like this

No.1516569 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post any and all anime, manga, cartoons, TV series and films with the dynamic of a younger man dating or marrying an older woman with daughters around his age.
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No.1517810 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
can someone please link up the video with the sound and upload it to catbox? please and thank you