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Threads by latest replies - Page 6

No.1456658 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how can i see what private groups someone is a member of on FB? i know how to use python and the command line and whatnot. please i need this shit so bad

yell at me for my ocs being mary sues. again

No.1456082 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i am once again experiencing the inside of skull clawing urge to be yelled at for my ocs being mary sues, so i have returned to the nastiest place on the internet in search of someone who can fulfil that urge. be mean, please.

leave a comment and ill give you a character bio


q: you need therapy
a: i know, im working on it

q: is this a kink thing?
a: no. if it were i wouldnt be doing it here or with my non-horny ocs
7 posts and 4 images omitted

Maybe you know this Japanese song

No.1456642 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
YouTube maybe 9-13 years ago. AMV/MAD had clips from the Disappearance of Haruhi movie. This video also had a ton of views, I didn’t think finding the song based off my shitty romanji memory would fail.

If you know this Japanese song, reading my shitty romanji with the cliff notes may make you recognize the song I’m trying to find

First two syllables of the song start before the first full count of 4/4 (think how the singer starts singing like one or two words then the song really starts)

“Haa ruu kuu kako yuu oou something something something”
>(ends with u or o sound for rhyme scheme)
>gentle piano enters the song starts to get stronger
“Okashii something something something mai/(nai) modoru”
>string instruments/violent slowly come in
“Hanabi awashii/(ayashii) something something ri kage”

“Uso was tai noo shita deee (pause)”

kiiiiii tto mama- (singer pause)”

>after kitto mama, drum set and guitar crash in, Song picks up pace, singer backs off and guitar and drum base have a short solo before singer comes back for main song

>I won’t even bother trying to come up with the romanji I can’t remember but here’s the hook of the song from what I can remember, the part that they repeat 2 or 3 times in the song that everyone knows a song by

“Something wakeru (pause), Something, bakeru (pause)”

“something something hoshi ga”

“Kawaru, kawaru”
>or mawaru, mawaru?

“Something something ka(ga)”

“Saa ii”

“tei saitei something something akage”

“Something something something something something something naka de”

Later on she maybe says zutto mama
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Help me find this song!

No.1456136 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm pretty sure its from a musical, either Broadway or something animated like Disney. Probably on the older side of things. For some reason I also associate it with like, Looney Tunes? Maybe its a parody song? No real lyrics come to mind but I think its either romantic or congratulatory in nature.

What can i visually change to make it look fancy/nicer/rich

No.1456406 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey anons, i have a selfish request. This is an exterior design of a house I plan to build.
Without changing the proportions too much is there any way you could make it look more cool and aesthetic?
Im not sure what but i feel like something is missing from it looking very cool, rich and futuristic.

I hope this is the place to ask.
Thanks in advance my Nwords

Note:can change anything, colours, railings, even the windows to an extent etc. the big windows are North-west facing
4 posts and 1 image omitted

Video recovering attempt

No.1456179 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have the link to the video which is a translation to one of my favorite songs, but wayback machine isn’t letting me play it. Any help? This is the link

RLM background music

No.1456390 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can anyone identify the song playing at the linked timestamp (31:35)? I've tried reading through the comments and running it through AHA, but I've had no luck.

No.1456551 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there a name for this type of music?
Warning, barely safe for work

I don't even know what to call this, where someone took some idolm@ster song and turned it into this glorious piece of art.