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Can we implement congestion pricing in basically any American city? I used to think you needed a downtown that was segmented from the rest of the city via a waterway (like South Beach Miami or San Francisco or Manhattan), but now I'm thinking you can just employ it on any urban freeway. Also, is there any reason NOT to use congestion pricing? It seems like the only way to fund urban freeways. It's been tried and tested in several countries around the world.
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>>2035681 >it's racist b-b-because it just is MKAY Anonymous
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>>2035706 Cargo bikes (always pictured empty or a stock picture) are used as some "gotcha" when it comes to questions about transporting children or anything larger than what you can stick in a backpack.
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>>2035702 The schizophrenia of cagetrolls on here never ceases to amaze me. They’re like the babbling hobos of the internet.
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>>2035702 It's just gaslighting because they think heckin liberals would kneejerk go against urbanism just because of someone on the internet claiming it makes them look racist
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>>2035705 urbanists want it to be brown and asian, not black
What type of disc brake pads you guys like to use? Does the organic or semi-metallic ones squeal when wet like the sintered ones do?
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organic for normal riding, semi-metallic or sintered for hard core dh or hard use like e-bike
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>>2035351 what absolute cancer, there should really be a single standards for brake pad shape.
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>>2035351 are homebrew disc brake pads doable? i just had the idea now, maybe some latex or leather thing?
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>>2035351 This is why we cant have nice things
another one down in Philly boys, reports say fatalities on the ground
>>2034533 30 thousand dollars is not much after federal and state taxes takes a chunk out of it
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>>2035781 >Mexican maintenance procedures Anonymous
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>>2034675 Fewer than usual? Here's that cope again.
Yes, we have incidents almost every day, but they are always shitboxes crashing in a fucking Angolan dirt airfield, not commercial planes in North American cities. Le "everything is the same" is pure unadulterated cope.
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>>2034692 Settlements are not subject to tax.
IME>American: staff is rude black women and they are shilling credit cards and rewards programs constantly (fits the name desu) >United: cheaper, good service, but far less routes >Delta: somewhere in between the other two in terms of service and route availability
I like United. If you live by one of their hubs it's great. Staff is nice and planes feel nice, but I've been unlucky with delays. Delta is great if you live in Atlanta, but otherwise you are going to get a shit itinerary. Planes are nice though. American feels like a budget carrier at this point. Easily the worst of the 3.
>>2035098 >Delta is great if you live in Atlanta, but otherwise you are going to get a shit itinerary. They have half a dozen other hubs plus a big presence in NYC & LA, just like UA and AA, what's the problem
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>>2035100 I live near one of their other "hubs" and they still want to route me through atlanta half the time. It's annoying.
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>>2034587 >United >good service Anonymous
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You're a moron if you think there's a single answer. For all domestic markets, it depends on where you live, available routes, equipment used on routes, and your own preferences as far as how they operate their business. Don't forget Alaska/Hawaiian with is a 4th option here if you're on the west coast, both will be OneWorld (with AA implications). I'm an AA Gold but I fly premium cabin of whoever operates the most direct route with the least stops on as large of a plane as possible. YMMV
>Trend setters ENVE, Time, Winspace, Officina Battaglin, Crust>Cognoscenti Scott, Giant, Rivendell, Merida, Brompton, Felt, Ritchey, LOOK>The crowd: Aspirational Cervelo, Spesh (S-Works), Pinarello, Santa Cruz, Velo Orange, Tern, Electra>The crowd: Conformity Spesh, Canyon, Trek, Liv, Panasonic, REI, Cube, Surly, Bianchi
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>>2035662 QBP is continuing to produce All-City bikes until the current manufacturing contracts run their course. I think I heard that they expect the production to continue into 2026.
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rent fucking free
>>2035620 Canyon is direct to consumer and thus a trendsetter
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>>2035725 It's not 1995 anymore, most people actually prefer to shop online
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>>2035620 >crust you flew too close to the sun, anon. everybody knows crust is a turbo grift.
Why do trains keep murdering innocent people?
>>2035250 Kill yourself commie faggot
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>>2035289 >>2035289 They say capitalism breeds innovation- I agree. It’s able to invent new cruelties and dehumanizations at impressive speed. Choosing to live in America is essentially committing self harm where deaths of despair are only rising.
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>>2035194 You mean the innocent people who think that their murdercage is so important to the universe that the train will stop for them to let them cross the railway right now, even though the physical barriers and warning lights say otherwise?
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>>2035250 Afraid the EU is just as enthusiastic about sacrificing its populace to these runaway murder engines
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>>2035194 On Monday or Tuesday our area just had the second person get hit by a subway train within a week. Something like 10-12 people per year here get hit by a subway train. Cue everyone saying “OMG WE NEED TO HAVE PLATFORM SCREENS INSTALLED AT EVERY STATION 20 MILLION PER SCREEN TIMES 50 STATIONS IS A BILLION DOLLARS TO PREVENT THE DOZEN SUICIDES PER YEAR
But how about car deaths? Crickets
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>Hmm maybe i should get a GPS tracker for my electric bike... >Wait a minute I'm white hahaha I live in a 90% majority white town!
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This post is extremely low quality
Theoretically speaking, if I was an entrepreneuring billionaire and I wanted to bring back one of the great American passenger trains (Super Chief, California Zephyr, Panama Limited, Empire Builder, City of Los Angeles/San Francisco, 20th Century Limited, Broadway Limited, Powhatan Arrow, Coast Daylight, etc.) to run on a regular basis (let's put it at at least two times a month for a start), which option would be more feasible from an economic/technical/legal perspective? 1. Acquire all of the surviving rolling stock (sleepers, dining cars, dome/observation cars, baggage cars, etc.) from the original consist from private owners, heritage railways, and museums, as well as matching surviving locomotives (can be from ones different railroads since thousands of functionally and aesthetically identical EMD F and E units were sold to all Class I railroads). Renovate them as necessary to make them FRA-compliant, obtain waivers wherever possible. Put them into service as a part-luxury train, part-mobile museum. 2. Commission the construction of a replica consist. Building entirely new streamlined cars from scratch, designed to match the internal and external appearance of its original as much as possible, with changes only being made when it's literally required to make the car FRA-compliant/modern user friendly (updated wiring, HEP, power outlets at seats, WiFi support, replacing wooden paneling with MDF paneling etc.). Motive power consists of custom-built Siemens Chargers designed to resemble the original E and F units (streamlining, bulldog noses, matching paint schemes, etc.) as much as legally possible. 1/2
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Don't care if it isn't American
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The issue with bringing back classic train lines is that we ripped up most of the dense cities and small town centers across the country where everything worth doing was within a short walk, tram ride, or taxi from the main intercity train station.
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>>2017437 I think they've said in past they want to take her out to the test track in Pueblo Colorado and make every britbong seethe by breaking the steam land speed record
nothing can beat the NYC Bomber command though
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>>2011902 The PRR T1 would be cool, but a replica of pic related is the engine I would rather be made.
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>>2026809 >>2029926 Among train enthusiasts and maybe older people in the NE, but the Super Chief was THE default toy store train set for decades and has national recognition because of it, especially because of the very colorful, memorable livery. It's also the best candidate for an excursion train since that colorful livery will appeal to non-enthusiasts who just want a nice trip, diesel is by far the easiest and most economical option to run, and you've got the iconic Fred Harvey catering and everything that went along with it (the custom tableware etc.) to pattern the service after.
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Is there still a fixie subculture anywhere out there, or am I showing my age? Im still enamored with the whole “fixie punk” aesthetic. Considering jumping back on social media is there are still people doing this. But I realize its a niche subculture from the early 2000’s thats been made fun of since day 1.
>>2035612 riding fixed trains a smooth pedal stroke because the crank wants to spin at the same speed for the whole rotation . Most riders especially new ones do not pedal in smooth circles they push down twice and the rest is slower, but this is bad form. This makes riding fixed initially feel unnatural but it's going to make you a better rider. If you don't have fixed it's also something you should also focus on doing. Pedal in smooth circles.
It also trains high cadence by forcing you to spin that up at speed and it also trains not coasting. Basically a bunch of good habits.
Many serious pro or junior road cyclists ride track or fixed for training.
You can do tricks with it, namely skids, which is fun.
And the slow speed control in traffic is superior because you don't need any incline to do a trackstand (stay still in one spot). Yes it's easy on just a normal road bike and you can alwyas point the wheel back but it's easier with fixed. Trackstands are something every serious rider should learn because it makes riding with clipless much safer /easier. You know you're good at it when you can do it no-hands, also, take a bottle from the frame and drink while doing it.
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>>2035612 also brakeless fixies are kinda a new thing. Bunch of old boys i ride road bikes with all used to ride fixies on the street in the 80s and they ran brakes and skidding apparently wasn't a thing, for one because you just chew through tires.
Because your pedals are directly linked to the traction of the rear wheel and you can feel it slipping more directly, some people will also say that it's safer and you have more control, especially in the wet or snow.
There's also mechanically speaking the appeal of it being a more simple machine. Bicycles used to all be fixed gear and the freewheel mechanism is an added complication, which some see as inelegent. The creator of the tour de france said that freewheels were for women and children.
>>2035660 >riding fixed trains a smooth pedal stroke Riding fixed will fuck up your pedal stroke. You'll be pushing down for too long because you can get away with it. And you never pedal in circles. You never pull up. That has been debunked and it ruins your knees. You push down from 1-5 at low cadences or 2-4oclock on faster cadences. Your legs are just pistons pushing down
>>2035700 >You never pull up. >Your legs are just pistons pushing down Lmao, pulling up has been debunked and is far worse for your knees than mashing. Pulling on the upstroke is only useful for race-ists in sprint conditions trying to make podium after their domestique carried them to the finish line. In real world scenarios, fixed gear is more useful than clipless race-ist gotta go fast gear cope
Canada announces RFP winner for 1000km+ highspeed rail project
>Cadence team members include CDPQ Infra, AtkinsRéalis, Keolis, SYSTRA, SNCF Voyageurs, and Air Canada. This selection highlights the leading-edge expertise of the consortium, with deep roots in Canada and world-class know-how in the design, development and operation of passenger transportation infrastructure.
What year am I going to be able to ride this?
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So fucking based. Meanwhile in America our president is trying to illegally kill congestion pricing and bike lanes.
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>>2034405 Its shocking you didn't have Toronto to Montreal already...