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Threads by latest replies - Page 15

How do you folks take pictures /out/doors?

No.2749503 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you folks carry a camera on you when you get outdoors? If so do you carry a DSLR, a compact or are ya happy with your phone?
14 posts and 3 images omitted

Eastern KY winter hiking spots?

No.2754391 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Title pretty much explains it, live in eastern KY, close to WV and i'm looking for spots to hike during the colder months, as I hate the heat.
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No.2753214 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it worth it to go to Death Valley in July?
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No.2752803 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone here ever stop at paid campsites, i know most people here are super into wild camping but for some trips it can be more relaxing camping in a managed site, usually it's cheaper and better than a hotel or motel, sleeping bags are much cosier than the shitty beds they have.
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It's summer and the weather is good outside

No.2756519 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Only the most dedicated losers still post on the chans. The traffic went down considerably last month and will further slow down in July and August. For some it will be just another summer wasted away shitposting.

Any last words anons before you inevitable end it?

No.2756234 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /out/ I will be flying to Milan then Geneo and Venice in a couple of weeks. I saw on the hitchiking wiki that there are no fines on going on trains without tickets but could not find a recent confirmation. Also how is hitchiking in Italy? I saw many negative and positive responses so I am not sure what to make of it. What else to watch out for while freeloading in Italy?

Grass itching

No.2755673 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've noticed that any exposed parts of me when I'm on grass get really itchy the next day, I've read this could be mites or maybe the grass essentially giving me tiny cuts everywhere due to microscopic sharp parts of the grass. I've also read it might be some kind of mild alllergic reaction?
Will this go away if it happens enough? Like my skin will get tougher or I'll just build up a tolerance to the allergy?

It's kinda annoying but I don't want it to keep me from going /out/, how do I get used to this? I don't want to wear clothing that covers my skin because it's hot enough, ideally I'd be in only shorts.
9 posts omitted

No.2754220 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>!!!ATTENTION!!! This is a nootice that u simply are not allowed to live in a canvas tent wagon and roam the countryside, traveling from farm to farm, with your sheep, drinking their milk, and crafting and selling cheese!

>If you are found to be living such a carefree and 'one with nature' lifestyle you WILL be placed UNDER ARREST and sent to A Bad BaD place where u cannot ever leave unless u kiss the wardens hindquarters!


Why Some Tractor Tires is Filled With Water?

No.2729783 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Did you know that some tractor owners fill their tires with water or other fluids?
Filling tractor tires with water is a common practice in agriculture and certain industrial applications, serving various purposes.
This practice is prevalent in agricultural tractors used for tasks like plowing, planting, and harvesting, as well as in industrial tractors involved in material handling, construction, and other heavy-duty operations.
74 posts and 5 images omitted