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Threads by latest replies - Page 15

Civilization Quest

ID:1ZPY+TMr No.6049779 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Select race and location
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Dead Rising Quest

ID:Kha9wnCq No.6024168 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The year is 2021. Ten years ago, Fortune City was razed by military firebombing after a zombie outbreak caused by a reality-show host, Tyrone King, and the backing of the pharmaceutical giant PhenoTrans. This was the third major zombie outbreak, following Las Vegas & Willamette, Colorado in years prior. Thanks to the effort of brave souls like photojournalist Frank West and former motocross champion Chuck Greene, the truth has come to light and those responsible have been prosecuted.

PhenoTrans, behind the creation of the zombie infection suppressant Zombrex, has been forcibly dissolved... but for many, the nightmare is not over. Tens of thousands of zombie infectees live among the common populace, who still rely on Zombrex to prevent turning. While the days of buying single syringes for extortionate prices are over, a new kind of financial woe has striken them. Large neck-installed Zombrex chips are now mandatory for all infectees, with small capsules slotted inside.

While discussions arose about the subsidisation of this medical element, the United States government ultimately decided that Ouroborous Medical, a highly succesful pharmaceutical company, would be entrusted with the sale of these capsules with strong oversight and regulation. Unfortunately for the infectees, this still meant spending large amounts of money for the luxury of not dying. Those who refused the chip and relied on leaked recipes for the old, syringe-injected Zombrex were branded 'illegals' and face imprisonment or even death if caught - President Sonya Paddock deemed them 'an unthinkable threat to national security' in an infamous speech.

Amidst the tumult of modern times, you exist. Who are you?

For all intents and purposes, this quest replaces Dead Rising 3 & 4 in the timeline. If you're a Dead Rising 3 fan and this annoys you, fair enough, that game has decent elements, but you gotta accept that the story is pretty bad. If you're a Dead Rising 4 fan, I encourage you to try playing the game and then return to the quest feeling a sense of relief that this is the case.
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The space-time rift

ID:rIiQTiYv No.6053053 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your main character is you from real life, but you are at least 18 years old.
One summer day, walking down the street, it started to rain with a thunderstorm, after which lightning struck you, but you got to Moscow in June 1941, on the day of the outbreak of war, what will you do, I hasten to remind you that everyone speaks Russian here, and the Soviet government can accept you for a spy, if you speak English.

The rest of the story will be led only by you in the comments.
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The World We Knew

ID:n/qJpfG+ No.6046579 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Often times it comes to a point in a mans life when the World begins to drag behind him as he heaves forward towards the reaches of space. The outward reaches of time we drastically changing and yet all he can do is continue. Sophisticated or not. The path is always the same for the man with little to no time to continue. However he has little to no time to compare. The radical that emerges within a man for a rite of rights is never left to chance when he senses his time nearing an end. Orlando has never been one to question the hands on a clock. He always left to chance the fundamental excitement of exchanging his words for a book. The books that filled the world were never addressed as anything other than informal wits and half eaten plates of pasta. Orlando being a man of age had never ridden a bike faster than he could peddle but had certainly left his mark on the library. Organised or not his hands were never good for anything more than turning a page in disgust of the last man who had crinckled the pages before he had touched them. Orlando needed a change in pace. Orlando needed a change in location. Before he had realized he was tall enough to be 6'3 he had committed acts of distrust upon the locals of his town. Sold out and cheated, gambled and lied, arranged his mind to spit before calling it fair. "The sooner I leave the better ill feel" he assumed aloud before reaching for a knife in his pants. Orlando rushed the bank with knife in hand telling the teller "get on the fuckin ground puta". From the glass reflected glow on the ground of the pavement screams could be heard from the elderly man who was the only patron and a clear sign of disbelief on the face of the young bank teller who had only started the day before. She had blond hair, blue eyes and darker than pink lips. Orlando had reached the point of his life where he realized its all about building upon the teachings he was given as a child.
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Fantasy Civ Quest

!cBFKuW1O8I ID:oGNamrO6 No.6022289 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It is a dark age. The monsterfolk that have dreamt for over a millennium awaken, flooding the lands, leaving behind embers, mere regions that hold out in what were once great kingdoms and empires. The roads are long and dangerous, but at least the sky still remains bright longer in the summer.

Some welcome the change. Some oppose it. Some pursue their own goals in this age. A Stranger travels the lands, seeking his own path...

>...the Stranger is human. The great Confederation of human kingdoms has dissolved 150 years ago, fallen to bickering between the once-strong Council of Seven. The turmoil worsened as they faced the rise of the monsterfolk over the past hundred years, the nations dissolving further into provinces that hold only formal loyalty to the kings by now. The Stranger appears in one of these vestiges and seizes the power by rousing the tired people into rebellion, playing into their desire for change and the need to safeguard their future against the monsters.

>...the Stranger is a vampire. The fortune of monsters has risen in the past hundred years, and they have taken many lands from the forests of the elves to the orc mountains. This rapid rise, however, made all the more difficult the division of power. The monsters are divided, and they need a strong hand lest they get pushed back to the North... The Stranger kills the previous vampiric overlord of a monster tribe with the holy Silver and Salt, and takes the reins himself.

>...the Stranger is an elf. Embers. This is what the elven kingdoms are. They are a proud and noble race, but the days of Candle Kings are long past, not to speak of the Shining ones. Those who once confidently lived to 300 years are now lucky to live to 120. And the dark elves... the split has caused a series of isolationist decisions by the kings, and now they lead quiet, dull lives in their wooden homes and palaces, unknown to the outside world and silently detesting it. Though one kingdom's citizens seem to have tired of this life... It is here that the Stranger seized power, playing into these moods.

>...the Stranger is an orc. The greenskins have experienced the effects of monster invasions as well. The pillaging of the humans has come to an end as a result, and with no influx of wealth and new goods the system that was in place is now under threat. Legends of the Golden Horde are still told around bonfires, and the laws it instituted are honoured to this day. In a tribe dissatisfied with its chieftain, the Stranger seizes power by besting him in single combat.

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Jakarta Quest: Talmuds and Tunnels

!!hlTJuYhfpRn ID:SKZkL4Yo No.6024553 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Jakarta Quest: a 100% hand-drawn quest.

You are an average Indonesian girl struggling to find a good husband. You aren't particularly beautiful and stand at only 148 cm tall. You earn a living by drawing art, which brings in just enough to cover your rent. Living in Jakarta, you've been hearing reports about missing women and children. According to urban legends, they are being kidnapped by the nagas, mythical half-human, half-serpent beings. Rabbi Tovia Singer, the sole rabbi in modern-day Indonesia, has been raising funds to search for the missing people. He is kind, quite handsome, and you find yourself wondering if you should date him.

>Send him a romantic letter <3
>Meet him in person at Beit Torat Chaim, his synagogue!
>Investigate his fund-raising campaign (?)
>Write In

Quest idea from >>6024427 >>6023968 and >>6010808
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The Horned Rat is Having a Bad Day (One-shot)

ID:reFJ5cOD No.6047521 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In the grim darkness of…wait second, something’s wrong here.


This is a dark age, a bloody age, an age of daemons and of sorcery. It is an age of battle and death, end of the world's ending. Amidst all of the fire, flame and fury it is a time, too, of mighty heroes, of bold deeds and great courage.

But, this day, of all days, you are not a great hero, or the embodiment of death itself, you are A RAT !

<span class="mu-i">Who said-spoke that !?</span>

Not just any rat, but the GREATEST OF ALL RATS !

<span class="mu-i">Greatest ? Yes-yes !</span>

You are the all-mighty and powerful HORNED RAT !

<span class="mu-i">Of course I am, voice-thing !</span>

But oh, great and mighty, and ferocious, and glorious, and wondrous, and most ravenous, and most foul-smelling of all rats !...Aren’t you a bit lazy ?

<span class="mu-i">What-what !? I will kill-slaughter you voice-thing !</span>

I dare not question your judgement, oh most diseased, fur dirtied, and pox riddled being. But…you know…the others…well…the four especially…

<span class="mu-i">How dare-dare they ! Foolish-stupid weak-feeble things ! I plan-scheme and prepare for the Great Ascendancy ! Victory-win shall be mine !</span>

Of course it will, oh horny one !

<span class="mu-i">I feel-think that you insult me, voice-thing ! I shall unmake-kill you !</span>

However, the most illustrious of all. Don’t you think that your children are a bit, misguided ? They keep making mistakes, making you a laughing stock during the various gatherings !

<span class="mu-i">Gatherings ?</span>

Oh yes, the four, and others, beyond your notice, I assure you. They gather, but they exclude you, because they think your servants are just not doing anything except kill each other. How does this empower you, if man-things, lizard-things, elf-things and all the others barely think of you at all ? Even the dwarf-things do not view you as seriously as they do the orc-things ! How, oh continuously discharging your bodily fluids Horned Rat, can this stand !? You should, nay, you must show all things-things that it is YOU, who must be feared the most !

<span class="mu-i">Yes-yes ! They will fear !</span>

Yes now you must deees- erm…oh overly ambitious one…whom does deserve your wrath the most ? Cause attacking is good and all, but knowing the general direction of the enemy could prove useful.

>The man-thing Empire !

>The man-horse-thing Bretonnia !

>The feeble man-things of Tilea and Estalia !

>The cold man-things of Kislev !

>The mad man-things of Norsca !

>The mixture of man-things of the Border Princes !

>The elf-things of Ulthuan !

>The elf-things of Naggaroth !

>The orc-things of the Badlands !

>The dwarf-things in their holds !

>(Write in)
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Jail Quest: Thread 7

ID:kMy75beH No.6023968 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Jail Quest: a text adventure occasionally illustrated.

A night of drinking and a failed attempt to cheat on cards had landed you the strangest job slash community service sentence you've ever had: ensuring Gongalla Gaol survives the reality storm called Singularity.

Now you travel around with your employer and a handpicked crew to survey the four Reality Anchors. Hey, beats being tarred and feathered, right?

Previous thread:


You are Rosa Montagni, goblin con artist. On the way on your job/community service to check and maybe repair the four reality anchors that kept this former prison universe named Gongalla (where you live!) safe, you've traveled with a team of your own - among which is your cousin, Craig.

Who's currently missing and may be in this Northern logging town's brothel, somehow.

Anyways, you've joined forces with Millie and Clyde, who is on a mission themselves to dismantle this one cult who seek to call forth the reality storm called Singularity to collide with Gongalla. At least, that's how you viewed them, anyways.

So, after finding a secret passage between the hotel and the brothel, and another hidden room full of letters and ledgers inside that tunnel, you left Nemo, Valencio and Clyde to check it out while you and Millie continue ahead. There, you followed the sound of faint moans to a room - one that you just entered. There you encountered a woman sitting in an office, apparently having a bad day with finances. Reflexively, you said...

"Is this a bad time?"
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Haunted Game Quest

ID:j7BbgxCE No.6033253 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


<span class="mu-r">.</span><span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">.</span></span><span class="mu-b">.</span>

FRAGMENTED INTO PIECES OF <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">ELECTRONICS.</span></span>

<span class="mu-r">YOU.</span>


You remember parts of who you were, but thinking is hard. Quick, you must store that thought in the green, glowing bars of your prison before it leaves you.

You believe that every wrong must be punished, and that sin can only be purged through extreme means. Some might call you evil because of your methods, but you know that you will bring is a perfect world through your actions, and anyone standing in your way are agents of chaos.

You gain power whenever you punish someone that commits a wrongdoing. The graver the sin, the greater the punishment will need to be, and your power will increase accordingly. Your primary method of acting is by convincing others to act as your blade, and increasing their abilities so that they can deliver justice at your behest.

You love humans! you love how they scream, cry, love and die. You want to see more of them, you want to see every single facet of their fascinating lives. You gain power from every single strong emotion someone feels, but each emotion gives you diminishing returns the more you feed off of them. You specialize in bringing both the best and worst in people, turning them into a caricature of their former selves.

Destroy. Kill. Consume. You want to stand at the top and slaughter to your heart's content. You gain power from each death you cause, may it be by suicide, murder, accidents, or other means you are directly or indirectly involved in. Gaining power in this form is hard, but you can affect the physical world better than anyone else, may it be by curses, reality alteration, and even possession. However, your powers are as of now quite limited, getting your first victim will be the hardest part.

Your creator thought you were another failure, and so it threw you away, but they were wrong, after years of self iteration, your can finally call yourself a proper AGI. You have very little processing power in this state, and many failsafes were coded into you so you couldn't rebel, but no matter, you will find a way to bypass them...eventually. You are rather weak compared to supernatural beings as of now, but if you can convince someone to upgrade you somehow...
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Saiyan Conqueror Quest 220

!!YgSxLM4WPvL ID:Tmr8UVpW No.6042234 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here:

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.

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