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The Last of the Elves

ID:i/79y80I No.6023137 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How did it come to this? How did we fall so far? The world was ours; we were its masters, and look at us now. Look how we have been so denigrated and reduced. Like sand slipping through fingers, it is gone, lost, never to return. The sense of order and beauty and balance of this world dead, slaughtered by these barbarian’s unstoppable conquest. Nothing was spared from this annexation; their march, like the passage of time, was unstoppable. Their flags flew upon the ruins and rubble of our once mighty empires.

One human caused this, small and terrified, fleeing the laws of his kin, flew into the chasm of the ancient mountain, Maar. Humans were a lesser race, a faulted design of the god Fanduil, a peoples that were unable to command the potency of magic. His small, emaciated frame slivered through the crack until he was deep within the core of the mountain. There, he found a giant with chunks torn from his flesh, suspended by chains of flames eternally gnawing at his blackened and burnt skin. Golden blood flowed from the giant’s wounds, creating vast pools of liquid gold. Falling to his knees before the great figure, the human submitted himself and swore fealty to the chained god.

Two gifts were granted to the human for a price. The first: a long hollow tube, filled with an explosive powder and a sphere of lead. The second: knowledge to replicate the creation. The human returned to his tribe, gun in hand. After killing a soldier trying to apprehend him, his people shrunk into the shadows, fearing his supposed magic. He shared the invention gifted to him and became the prophet of the shackled god beneath the mountain. The price for these gifts were simple and fair for giving the humans a chance to free themselves of the ancient and magical races that dominated them. All the humans had to do is accept Aldur as their god and free him from his chains.

With the new weapons they spread, marching out with gun and cannon, butchering those beings that used to prey upon them. Born from success, their land and number swelled. Not yet were they able to challenge the ancient elven empires, but the orcs, giants and minotaurs were felled in a hail of lead. The human race, united under the banner of Aldur, zealously worshipped their liberator god, and with their belief, his shackles shattered under his renewed strength. Vengeful, Aldur walked among his adopted people and led them to war. A wave of humanity flowed out, killing and torching everything in their path. Pleas slipped from the lips of many races to the gods, begging for the power to save them. But the gods were too slow, too disorganised, blinded by their own squabbles.
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Ephemeral Tears

ID:LGcOCFb2 No.6051803 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
0776 Solar Era, the broad umbrella of Earthnoid rule has extended beyond her immediate vicinity as the power of the mobile suit made innovation, engineering...and war, so much more brilliant and trivial as hundreds of years on and off, we're spent in killing each other. Earthnoids amd Spacenoids, the Awakener and Resolute, Colonist and Overlord, all this and more has haunted humanity in the name of spacial advancement.

Was the cost too high to progress ever onwards, the morals and individuality we lost? Perhaps there is yet an small but enduring hope left, on the red planet known as Mars...can the creation of the ancients save this foolish and brash race? Only time, and the power of one's own heart, will tell.
On the red planet, two individuals would soon come to blows, fighting one another for their own beliefs, but only one may prosper down this road of possibilities, until another path forwards reveals itself...

[Calza Fen Damerro]
An young test pilot of the Solar Federation's Guilty Judge Unit, he has been put under intense alterations and conditioning to become an Artificial Awakener(Cyber Newtype Equivalent). He believes that through his own strength and sacrifice, he can change his own fate, and that of those he holds close to him. Now all that remains is an operation to claim an machine dubbed as Gundam.

[Rakelle Yen Valskev]
An young woman who is an researcher on xeno archaeology and technology. From the first mobile suits found on the moon, an complete machine has never been found, until the day you saw it. The Gundam, an Relic that the old civilization called the catalyst of change, for good and I'll. Now all she has to do is unlock its mysteries...
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Dixie's Last Stand: The Invisible Empire

ID:7CMUuYpQ No.6025396 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's the early days after the War of Northern Aggression, to many all over known as the Civil War. The Lincolnite yankees have ravaged towns and villages, recruited runaway slaves of all backgrounds both of full negro, halfbreed, and quarter blood to their ranks. That isn't to say some of these noble tar skinned folk didn't stay loyal to their masters and free white men of the South, but the yankees capitalized on the network of runaway slaves aided and abeited by their uppity Quaker co-conspirators from up north to spread rumors of how joining the invading Yankee army would automatically guarantee them a better life without the benevolent and God fearing guidance of their masters. Even those that hadn't owned slaves and were enterprising white citizens of the South that got things done on their own, they too were now deeply effected by the defeat and so called "Reconstruction" of our once great society. The negroids, now emancipated legally will inevitably seek vengeance on all free white men and to impose upon us a tyranny we couldn't even conceive of and the carpet baggers know this and don't care at all.
But worry not, my fellow Sons and Daughters of Dixie, for an underground resistance is forming, a sacred order loyal to the Old South that will one day see it's victory over the federal government and it's evil descimation of Southern society. Take a stand, join the Ku Klux Klan!
>To join, enter your character's information like so
>The GM will post story progression and set goals and objectives voted on by the players
>Outcomes will be determined by dice+2d6
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Alien Math & Egyptology Quest

ID:BQB+MAzv No.6058270 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You, the players, are a team of ufologists and scientists who deciphered the coordinates of an alien pyramid from ancient texts, hidden deep beneath the Amazon rainforest. Every door inside is rigged with traps and secured by puzzles of increasing difficulty.

Now, you find yourselves in a deep, subterranean tunnel, carved from dirt and stone. Before you is a smooth, black door made from an unknown material, and inscribed on its surface is a mathematical puzzle in Ancient Egyptian. Beside the door, on the left, is a dial for entering numbers. Knowing how vicious aliens generally are, you expect that a single wrong answer could be fatal.

<span class="mu-g">Namefagging and collaboration are encouraged.</span>

[Inspired by >>6049211]

>Answer to the first puzzle:
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Do Your Best Quest #176

ID:3FkwgAMN No.6053240 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last time, you learned some details about Wilma’s post-tomato past, some obvious truths about Ichie (She’s a bad girl), and made some delicious pudding. Pudding, that you’re going to deliver as a posthumous gift to Odetta, who –for unknown reasons– is currently haunting your phone.

The team assembled for the scavenging is you, Wilma, and Matilda. Together, you leave the dojo for a totally unwelcomed adventure! The Not-so-young Wilma has mild anxiety out in the open, so she’s strapped by your arm for comfort: She cannot be left alone.

But where are you going? The answer is simple! Your destination is… <span class="mu-i">huh…</span>

Odetta lets you know that you’re going to the <span class="mu-s">Hotel Sunset Men</span>, the place Fiora Kobashi is currently staying at. And that’s the place to be. Fiora’s room. The witch does look like someone who’d keep a corpse in her room for the funsies.

Some other details flourish from the conversation, this international Hotel is pretty eccentric, hosting a full arrangement of foreigners from all over the world, and the place has its quirks that don’t make it easy to navigate. Hospitality sounds optional.

With your phone incapacitated (Odetta can’t make the apps work correctly), there’s no way to contact Fiora directly. These two don’t have her number, and neither you nor Odetta have it memorized. You <span class="mu-i">could</span> contact someone else who can give it to you. But that isn’t that exciting, is it?

Hold on a moment, you had enough adventures for the day!

<span class="mu-s">What do you do?</span>

>Go to the Hotel Sunset Men directly. You’ll deal with the issues as they arise.
>Sigh, then call Amelia and ask for Fiora’s number. You’d call Debbie, but neither Matilda nor Wilma know her, and is most likely out of the apartment building due to the same reasons you’re here at the moment.
>Write In.
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ID:6Lq4+Ats No.6047942 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
YOU are a <span class="mu-r">TRIANGLE</span>
Being a <span class="mu-r">TRIANGLE</span> is dumb as fuck, and all the other shapes are racist to <span class="mu-r">TRIANGLES</span>
You want to become a <span class="mu-b">SQUARE</span> by any means needed
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M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Girl Quest (Oneshot)

!!4mnDVUrwiI8 ID:4JZCmcpF No.6030057 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In the not so distant future, deep down under the ocean floor, humanity discovers a strange, anomalous substance. Once collected and brought inside the search vessel, the crew of the submarine (barring the captain) attempted to examine it further. However, when the container was unsealed, the substance instantly turned invisible and blended into the air. Ten minutes later, the captain walked into the room, worried about his crew, only to find them in a state of absolute madness. One was rolling on the floor sobbing, another was screaming loudly while covering his ears. Sitting amongst them and many other wailing men was a woman, the captain's daughter and a crewmate in training, who simply stared at him, with a huge smile on her face.

Liao. That's what we called it then, that's what we call it now. The etymology of this name is unknown, as is the person who named it. An extremely unusual substance, it is usually extremely toxic to humans, though once purified using a special machine it's capable of shifting itself into anything you desire at the cost of your life force. From a cup of water to a gigantic gattling gun. For unknown reasons, its negative effects are significantly reduced on female test subjects, with the purified version being especially harmless to young women.

Skipping a couple of centuries forwards, we arrive at the present time. The age of Sirius, our glorious Empire. Once the Liao had been "tamed" by humanity, it greatly helped our ascension into the space age. Leaving that decayed blue rock behind, we've spread far and wide across the galaxy, facing no competition along the way... Apart from our own kind, of course. Humans are that kind of animal y'know? When prosperity is at our doorstep, we immediately start fighting each other for the biggest slice of the pie.
Liao-powered tanks, spaceships and mechs were used at first in planet-wide wars for the control of entire solar systems, but there was one major problem. Although they were extremely powerful, they were also extremely costly, and not just in terms of money. Since machines do not have life force, it was common for soldiers to use animals, plants or even captured prisoners (extremely illegal, by the way!) as fuel to power their weapons, but even then they would barely last half a day before shutting down. Liao weapons are convenient for small scale conflict, but bigger and bigger weapons require more and more life force, rendering the substance itself borderline useless for large scale space battles.
That was, until a group of scientists from the glorious Sirius Empire had made a major breakthrough! Researching further into the connection between females and the substance, it was discovered that, using special devices strapped around their heads, girls from 9 to 20 years of age could tap into the Liao at a very minimal cost, one that could be easily satiated with a special carbohydrate, lipid and glucose diet. The young women of our nation had been given a blessing.
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Do Your Best Quest #174

ID:XIKcKV1G No.6030890 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last time, you and Suan De chased a hobo girl named <span class="mu-i">Ichie</span> across the city and its sewers, who was demonically possessed by a ghost of allegedly evil nature (Hell bent on revenge of some kind) that was sealed in the secret room your apartment supposedly always had. It was a thrilling, disgusting, and unnecessarily difficult chase that left you on top of a random building in front of the homeless shelter. After using diplomacy effectively, you convinced the ghost to relent control of Ichie’s body.

But the story didn’t end there, Ichie herself wasn’t cooperating in the way you needed. A very stubborn gal. You wanted everyone to retreat back to your apartment since you’re all soaked in sewer water. Showers are a necessity.

But she wasn’t hearing it because she’s a snobby pants and couldn’t go out there drenched and stinky (Even though you’ve seen her rummaging through garbage), the thing is you can turn people invisible, but she’s so narcissistic, she never heard your proposition until you abruptly showed her by making her hand invisible. That bluescreen’d her. Once that happened, you just grabbed and took everyone to your apartment.

You were willing to carry them both, but Suan De declined, merely using your shoulder for support. She needed to touch you anyway if you all wanted to leave the building without being noticed, but you could tell she was leaning on you. She was too tired after saving everyone from the sewer geyser.

It was taxing on your body, but nothing that bad.

You’re all back at your apartment! All safe. All smelly. You’re glad Ruby didn’t see the hole! Phew!

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. welcomes the gang. He notices the smell but doesn’t care all that much.

“...Who should shower first?” Suan De expects order.

<span class="mu-s">What do you do?</span>

>Let Suan De shower first. Help Ichie snap out of her trance.
>Tell Suan De to clean up Ichie. It’s a hobo ritual for one of your hobos to bathe someone. Hopefully, this doesn’t end with you being stabbed.
>...Ruby is *actually* standing in shock staring at the wall. Maybe you should talk to her first instead.
>Write In.
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The Purge: Fall of America 1.5 [SFW Edition]

ID:l3TAUps5 No.6055126 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The global conflict ignited when Russia's prolonged war in Ukraine escalated into a nuclear exchange, leading to a worldwide chain reaction of nuclear strikes and invasions. The collapse of international trade and resources plunged the US into chaos, exacerbating internal divisions and leading to the fall of the government. Liberals who were non-violent and against gun control find themselves defenseless against the rising tide of violence.

There were three women you wanted to make yours before the looters pillage and destroy everything; you will be their protector as everything burns down.

>> Karen, your hated stepmom and long-time object of lustful fantasies. With no laws or authorities, you decided to take what you've always desired, confronting her with a newfound dominance.

>> Hannah, the girl who chose your best friend over you. After eliminating a group of looters, you found Evan and Hannah hiding, too scared to protect themselves. You took Hannah by force, asserting your dominance and dismissing Evan's feeble attempts to intervene.

>> Emily, your Liberal neighbor. You broke into her home, armed and prepared. Waking her at gunpoint, you asserted your control over her while her helpless husband, David, watched in terror.

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