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PCQN- Christmas Special- Luftpanzer Langenachtfest

!!Pg7IW6v75om ID:6gM0okUB No.6155384 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Long ago, when mankind was young, torn from the chaos of the world by the light of the Judge of All Things, they struggled to understand the world that had been given to them. As order overcame nature, they were surprised and dismayed by the unpleasantness of their world. It was cold, ferocious, and desolate, where the strong devoured the weak alive, and life before the division of heaven and earth was a mad struggle to kill, or die.

“Judge Above,” Mankind lamented, “Is our lot truly naught but to suffer? If so, then take from us this curse of life, so we may at least find peace.”

In those days, the Judge was said to not be silent, as he was even when the First Saint was bequeathed his law, as Mankind was pitifully young. “Despair not,” spoke he, however he did so, “Warm yourselves with the strength you find in one another and that I have given you yourselves. The darkest day shall pass, and afterwards, the light of Judgement and Order will set aflame a new morning, and your world will be a beauteous paradise beyond your imagination. So it shall be forevermore.”

The people were doubtful of the latter claim, but did believe a day darker than they had known would come. So they stood against it, resolved to endure, and survived, but indeed, that day was the darkest to ever descend upon Mankind. Afterwards, the great cold and dark was broken, never to return, as Mankind was fully freed by the light of Order. In celebration and reverence, Mankind would celebrate the Darkest Day of each year as what is known as Langenachtfest in the Grossreich. For what better cause to celebrate could there be, than the beginning of the end of winter? The remembrance of the terrible times of old, and how they came to an end- whatever grim tides may rise, shall be endured, and in its wake, stand Mankind resilient…


<span class="mu-i">December 21, 1933</span>

Langenachtfest season, here in Ysenhof. A city in the heartlands of the Grossreich of Czeiss, the most powerful, greatest nation on the continent, but one that wasn’t so big, and rather west to be anywhere happening and hip. A blanket of snow rested atop the canopy of the city, a fresh dusting covering surfaces previously swept and scraped clean. Twinkling, warm lights were hung alongside holly and winterbloom wherever it could be fit, paper recreations of fruit dangling from the branches of park trees regardless of if they were even the sort to sprout it. Couples could be found all over- most of them fresh in the making, which would be lucky to last. ‘Twas the season.
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Earth Federation Quest 3

!ORkL6oxvU. ID:n8PpCCPi No.6173352 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It is May 19th 0079, of the Universal Century, five days since your first two missions and the Federation's first victory against Zeon in the Australian front. Brigadier General Warren Keller organized scattered Federation forces into a formidable fighting force, launching an operation to retake a major port base in Brisbane to re-establish supply lines with the mainland Federation forces and build a solid foothold to reclaim Australia from the Spacenoid invaders.

Though Keller received credit for the victory, you are still widely recognized for the vital role you played in the Battle of Brisbane. For your pivotal contributions to the battle- successfully shooting down two Zakus, saving the lives of your squad mates, and convincing the Zeon base commander to surrender peacefully to prevent further bloodshed in a massive battle, you earned two promotions and a few shiny medals that you don't quite know what to do with.

You are now Corporal Jag Rommel- squad leader of your own anti-Mobile Suit specialist unit, one of three squads that make up the 7th anti-MS platoon lead by your former squad mate Yunnus Wynn. It's something you're still trying to get used to, both in responsibility and the way others now treat you. For your nearly unbelievable contributions, you have started to become a bit of a folk hero to your fellow infantrymen. The pressure of their expectations bear down on you, adding to the weight of the lost souls you feel obligated to carry on your shoulders.

Not only that, corrupt officers are beginning to pester and harass you. Some covet the fame and achievements you've achieved, convinced that your glory is nothing but tall tales and stretched truths that you somehow got Keller to believe. After all, how could a fresh recruit achieve so much in so little time, in the profession with the highest mortality rate?

Whatever the case, it sickens you that even in such dire times, there are those that only think of themselves and what they can stand to gain amidst the horror and bloodshed, but you try to keep yourself centered and focus on your goals.

It is currently midday, and you are:

>Out for a walk, thinking about the last time you spoke with Will and Helena
>In the mess hall, listening to Gaspa entertain the other soldiers as he recounts the Battle of Brisbane
>Looking through personnel dossiers to choose who will join your new squad
>Other- write in?
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Core of Steel- 13 On the Last Day

!HQdLRxFnaM ID:NykkqKfj No.6179572 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The man known as Marik shook his head, eyes blinking.
“We have a confirmed nuclear detonation on force Center.”

“I can see it, Nero.”
The visual feeds had corrected for the flash, filtering and darkening it so that he could look upon the growing cloud.

His second was already pushing the command mech back to its feet, standing it again as an elite pilot does.
Not in the first wave, only an idiot leads directly from the front, but his position in the third wave, the reserves, was carefully planned for.

He could bring them where they were needed most, to drive forwards wherever the push had faltered or where a weakness had been sighted.
Or more realistically, wherever the hell his best guess was, if everyone was operating in the dark.

Though that darkness had just lifted with an enormous flash.

He had watched Kinston’s superheavy stagger beneath concentrated firepower right before the Plaza of Heroes, before returning fire and charging into smoke. His attention had wavered after then, but add to that the proximity of the Senate building, tantalizingly close, and the bastards in power proved again that there was no line they wouldn’t cross in order to try and crush his rebellion.

The Old Man deserved the Imperial Cross for his sacrifice, he mentally noted. And a promotion. Posthumously, of course. No one objects to a dead man being promoted above them.

But it was a good thing he had withdrawn the remainder of Crimson lance before that final push. A smart commander took care of his loyal pieces, and there weren't many queens left to use.

“I’m not getting any traces of jamming. Just residual interference from the blast. Are we still pressing forwards, sir?”
His second asked from the piloting seat.

“Forwards. We make the most of this. They’re not going to expect a fresh force attacking through their own blast wave, after all.”

Turning back would be admitting defeat, and certain death. No matter the losses, he had to win here.
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Deity Quest

ID:EZnrh7j2 No.6181498 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The time is ripe! The mortals scattered the relics we gave them, none of the guardians are worthy. Find the relics, build us a temple, place them there and have the mortals worship us again! - says the elder god council

you are a minor deity! the major deities all keep bossing you around

You have 200 points to distribute in your stats

The stats are



Extra Hitpoints + 10 (1 point each time you pick)
Extra Mana points + 10 (1 point each time you pick)

You have base hp = resistance * 5
You have base mp = resistance * 5

Up to 5 points each stat costs 1 point per point (that is level 5 costs 5 points). Most mortals have attributes between 0-2, powerful ones have attributes 1-5. Very few mortals have attributes above 5. Stats above 10 are veritably godlike.

6 - 8 points
7 - 13 points
8 - 20 points
9 - 29 points
10 - 40 points
11 - 53 points
12 - 68 points
13 - 85 points
14 - 104 points
15 - 125 points
16 - 148 points
17 - 173 points
18 - 200 points

Besides stats, the only things you can spend points on are:

Occult Power - spending an amount of points equal the amount to have a given attribute, you can distribute that many points to your attributes temporarily by spending an amount of MP equals to the cost of the occult power. You could increase HP temporarily as well (but not MP) by an amount equal the cost in points. In case you choose to only increase HP, you can decide to use less MP than the maximum.

Ex. You have Occult Power 12. For a cost of 68 Mana, you can distribute an extra 12 points on any attribute that you want. It lasts 1 hour. So suppose you have Strength 10. You can increase your strength to 22. Or you could distribute your points in other attribute. Or you could increase your HP by up to 680, or a fraction if you don't wanna use 68 Mana.

Empower: works the same as Occult Power, but only on other people. The mana cost is the same and the effect lasts 24 hours. You can double the costs to double the duration, up to 5 times (for 32 times the cost and 32 days of duration).

Ex. You have empower 10 for 40 points. You could increase a person all atributes by 2 for a day for 80 MP. Or you could do it for 32 days for 1280 MP.

also choose a name, a gender and what are you a deity of
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Civilization Thread

ID:r8jEm9Jc No.6188373 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pick race and location.

It is going to be very small scale.
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Silver Knight Quest #4

!!TkbJ5zs7GEF ID:DSMf/xIa No.6154957 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Cursed from birth with silver hair, the sign of evil influence, you play as Argia Candente, a Knight-in-training determined to finally earn your valour and save your family… and protect your friend’s terrifying secret.

# # # # # #

Welcome to the<span class="mu-s">fourth thread</span>of Argia Candente's thrilling adventures, our scatterbrained, silver-haired (busty, as the players decided) Holy Knight-trainee with a penchant for daydreaming and plagued by self-doubt. Together with three other trainees who have become your fire-forged friends, you are now approaching an abandoned Temple of Flame inside a desert made of scorched glass…

During the latest thread you received a mission by the Angel of Ansàrra, crossed the sea to the heathen lands of the Treviri Throne, met with an Asterite mage who got on your nerves, and discovered that one of your friends is not of this world. Yes, the brunette skirmisher who you admired so much, <span class="mu-s">Salicera Fors</span>, is actually one of those so-called <span class="mu-i">Stranders</span>, and comes from another world— and her actual name is <span class="mu-s">Willow Stark!</span>

This has left you baffled, but you are positive that Willow will come to terms with her troubles and hold on to the true Faith.

Especially now that you are so close to achieving your goals.
Complete this mission, and you will be ordained a Knight… and you’ll be able to invite your family to live in the Holy Land.
So close. You can almost grasp it…


>First Thread:

>Second Thread:

>Third Thread:

>Voting Link (please vote, we’re almost golden!):

(thanks everyone for voting! My mom reads these threads and she’s so proud of this community!)

Update schedule:usually one update <span class="mu-s">every 48 hours</span>. You can expect between two and four posts depending on narrative pace and player interaction. I will do my best to reply to questions and suggestions though.

As for what happened last time on<span class="mu-i">Silver Knight Quest…</span>
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Heretic Cultivator Quest 27

!!x2Y5mWD7k6q ID:EgVvbHCQ No.6157472 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous chapters:
MC info Pastebin:
Sect/ disciple info Doc:
A very exciting match is about to start, the finale of the martial arts tournament of the Qi condensation bracket of the tournament being hosted at the Garden of the Wild Empress temple. Your temple, in your arena. Two of your disciples at the pinnacle of the Qi Condensation stage are about to face off, and you can practically feel your blood boiling from the anticipation alone. Lian Luli, who might be the most talented of the generation behind yourself, and the vengeful ghost of Yujijiao, who has grown into a most ferocious spirit and far surpassed the legacy of her short life as the Oasis guarding beast princess that was dubbed the Jade Horn. A young girl, who is overflowing with vitality, spunk and a strong determination to survive despite how heavily the odds are stacked against her, and a girl who died and lingers on in death, fuming about how tragically short her life was cut down but whose found a second life in death.

Oh what the hell! Why not share your excitement with the crowd! Slapping your palms down on your knees, you shoot up from your seat, startling two of your five guests, He Ping and Ehuang, while the more well traveled Liao Gang, the heretic who is hiding behind inside the robes of a long ago extinct sect and Xue Long, your mother's annoying son who unfortunately could be called your brother, remain cool and composed as you rush to the ledge and throw up your hands

"This is the peak of this event!" You declare loudly voice booming and crashing like thunder as you lift your hands above your head and clench them into fists before hopping onto the ledge, teeth lengthening to fangs in your delirious excitment as your tail sprouts just above your, currently, very human buttocks as you yowl with delight.

Swinging down on hand, you point down at the ghastly visage of a human woman stapled to the neck of a giant serpent at the neck, Yujijiao preferred look and signature style!

"In the northern side! We have the tragically slain princess of beasts, the protector of desert oasis, one of the numerous victims of that foul tempered ogress!" You cheer, lips parted into a grin that doesn't quite fit on your human face, as starlight glimmers from your now lifted and flowing crimson hair "Yujijiao! The Jade Horn! My regent down in the crypts I own and the fairest princess of the dead. A young, fierce spirit, who spreads famine wherever her baleful gaze falls! And the princess born of curses, to whom the lesser dead bow! THE SOLE PRACTIONER OF JIEDIQI (The Famine of Breath, 饥饿的气,) Outside of the blazing cauldrons of Daiyu! She who suckled upon the vendetta born of her own demise!"

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Civilization Quest

!!8WlcknlYm47 ID:EVqKOY9p No.6156151 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pick race and location, except for those I marked with a big X, I don't wanna run those.

No write-ins for the race, please, just stick to the ones in the picture.

I'm on vacation so I'll be running sessions daily, I hope to run at least one full thread, later on we'll see if it goes anywhere.

First to three votes goes, or if we don't have enough in one hour I'll just roll with whatever votes we have.
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Tyranid-Girl Quest #2

!!yhDW9T3WWhk ID:i01jNdgF No.6157506 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Thread archives

“It has been… Sister Celestine.”

Celestine eyes drifted toward the thing. Should she be in a different location, she would have cleaved the thing in half. Seeing that the thing was inside the most holiest of places with Chaplain Gabriel, she doubted she was facing a foe.

“And what is this?”

“Subject Ninety-Nine, creation of Ordo Xenos under Lord Inquisitor Kryptman to combat the ongoing tyranid invasions.” Chaplain Gabriel said. “She is here as the conclave is being prepared.”

“I see.” Celestine said.

“On what mission have you been sent to be summoned in Terra?” Chaplain Gabriel said.

Celestine’s beautiful visage twisted into a holy hatred in her worrying grimace. Ninety-Nine flinched at the bright searing light emanating from Celestine. The light that touched Ninety-Nine did not damage her, but the warmth of the radiance instead swelled her heart with an energy that she did not understand.

“The heart of Terra is in danger, a great calamity will occur and the threat is within the Imperium’s high command. The God-Emperor has sent me to find the heretic shrouded by foul magic.” Celestine said. “I suppose I will be needing your assistance once again, Chaplain.”

“Then it will be brief.” Chaplain Gabriel said. “I am here to represent the Chaplaincy of the watch fortress I reside in in this conclave.”

“What is the conclave about?”

“Imperium Nihilus, and who shall be sent to investigate the lost inquisitors. Perhaps there is corruption within the inquisition, those with vile intent influenced by the dark powers.”

Celestine glanced at Ninety-Nine.

“Yes… it will not be the first time an inquisitor has been tricked into creating something that would condemn billions of souls when it was meant to save the Imperium.” Celestine withheld a sigh. “But I also know there are righteous inquisitors as well. I will first speak with the Lord Commander.”

Celestine noticed the intense focus of Ninety-Nine.

"What is it, Subject Ninety-Nine?"

>“I like your wings!”
>“You’re very pretty Lady Celestine!”
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Theseus: a 40k A.I. quest 3

ID:W7UE/FHz No.6153568 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ensuring that you have no direct sight of the unknown foe, you instead look through the various sensor data to predict enemy fleet movement. They appear to be hell bent trying to close the distance, burning at full speed even when one of their destroyers is brought low by concentrated lance fire. Seemingly ignoring the loss, the enemy, either brave, cold, or mad, continues its advance.

Due to your peculiar situation, you are incapable of proper coordination. Considering how extremely you were affected by just looking at the foe, you naturally have strong concerns about the humans aboard the Deimean vessels.

Considering all dangers, you had reached but just single solution for the issue – nuke the bastards, as an old saying goes.

Now, the biggest issue at hand is of course the fact that you have no means of control. You would be unable to deploy more powerful weapons that would require your direct guidance. The issue for autonomous weapons is also out, you’d rather avoid the worst-case grey goo scenario.

Everything combined leads to the simplest of weapons. In this case, a dumb weapon, a nuclear device. Sundial – the most powerful nuclear weapon available to you, easily capable of cracking planetary crusts and potentially destabilising entire worlds. Generating enough force to wipe out entire continents at its lowest charge and cracking worlds open at the strongest, this is the most primitive and powerful of your weapons. Just the shockwaves generated by these weapons are powerful enough to potentially level entire mountains and level the terrain into smooth plains. Of course, lacking atmosphere, the destructive capability is vastly reduced, which is why this specific variant is a two-stage device, creating temporary gravitical distortions, pushing the explosions away whilst at the same time moving nearby hostile vessels towards the explosion.
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