>>57324032>goodBold (by GF standards), attempt to make the series feel fresh while keeping its roots intact (ie different monsters, same gameplay)
Builds upon Gen 4 artstyle while being decently distinct
Great music (though Pokemon is usually pretty strong here)
Fun distractions (Join Avenue, Entralink, Pokestar Studios)
Bridges are memorable, if ultimately pretty bland
Castelia City is the first Pokemon city to feel truly urban
Memorable gym designs
HMs are mostly not required
Finale is cool
>badnot a fan of the starter designs
a lot of the early pokemon are boring and ugly, the cooler ones are found too late and evolve too late
Not a fan of the sprites
Not a fan of the legendaries
Not a fan of the pseudo-3D artstyle
Triple battles are underutilized
Rotation battles are bullshit
Don't care for the characters or story (more story /= better story)
Reusable TMs further power creep
>>57324210 said