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No.22276390 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dating and marrying a passing trans who's demure and sweet and acts just like a housewife from the 1950s who actually cares about her man and is a good partner and wants just to share a peaceful happy life...


Real woman who's a leftist bitch, fucked niggers, only has time for her friends, door dashes everything because she refuses to cook, will argue non stop (worse on her period), will eventually leave you.
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No.22283097 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
*yawn, scratches my balls* So about the upcoming war *farts* yeah I am not coming... I know I know I am just not coming. Have fun I hope they kill you.
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No.22283087 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be vertically challenged midge
>not fit
>sucks cock
>manages to bang swedish models and alt-right tradthots (hes a literal lib)

How does he do it? Also whats your excuse?
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ID:/kUB5T/h No.22282773 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can't think of any decent side hustles.

I've thought about making YouTube videos. Other than that, I can't think of anything else.

I've watched a bunch of side hustle videos on YouTube and they all say the exact same thing and they all require autistically specific skills.

>Sell your furniture
>Be an Uber/DoorDash Driver
>Be a professional photo/video editor working for big YouTubers or Megacorporations
I would just do YouTube myself than...
>Get a computer science degree and start creating smartphone apps
That's a job, not a side business.
>Go to college and get a degree in Japanese and start teaching English online
That's a fucking job, not a side hustle.
>Buy shit from Walmart and resell it on Amazon at a markup
That's called scalping and I'm not screwing people over for money.
>Start an OnlyFans showing your asshole and sucking cock for $100/mo.
I'm not gay and have more dignity than that.

It seems every "side hustle" they push is just a full-time job that requires a college degree, or a retarded scam that I'd rather not participate in.

Any ideas?

are Arabs white

No.22282927 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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ID:Iilt96i9 No.22281565 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are you ready for ze new frog order?
Are you ready for ze new frog order?
Ultra frogcore 2025
Are you ready for ze new frog order?
You will draw frogs and be happy
Are you ready for ze new frog order?
You have given your worthless cuirass to me!
Are you ready for ze new frog order?
Because you're too subhuman to be free

This is arch lagushka kaeru and I'm here to say you should really kill yourself
Your suicide is the only remedy for the pandemic:4chan subhumanity

We must prepare for the better world
A world that would be only be ruled by anurans
You will eat ze bugs and live in the pond
You will draw ze frog and it will get better

Are you ready for ze new frog order?
No more Pepe or Cirno
We liberated you from the pretenders
And we will make you into a batrachophile

You make the problems
You're too blame
You will answer for the damage you do
The frog death squads are now coming to you
Don't resist you're being liberated

We're here!
The heaven toad is now made clear
We will make you live in servitude
You're the slave
And I'm the empress

!!TaksRLrCaPt ID:g6EGLO1H No.22280582 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are conservatives less intelligent?
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ID:1q+rqCk0 No.22282786 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Eбaнный poт, ктo нибyдь знaeт кaк гoтoвить кypицy чтoб oнa былa мягкaя кaк пиздa твoeй мaмки? Хoчy дoкaзaть бaтe чтo я нe кycoк cвинoгo caлa. Пoдcyeтитecь, вceх люблю
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ID:NWQ49rgS No.22282550 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your imperfections are what make you beautiful. Just kidding, you're actually just ugly. Suck my chunks.