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ID:YmCPVVzt No.21929447 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I recently learned that trannies need to take hormones forever, I used to think they could stop after they changed their bodies
This completely ruined my fantasy of having a tranny gf/sex slave in a zombie apocalypse because they wouldn't be able to take hormones anymore
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No.21930565 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bullying is unnecessary and it just happens due to everyone being afraid of being punched in the face. Bullies are not special exemplary specimens of humans, they are just people with zero impulse control and very strong sociopathic tendencies. Research has been made on this subject and when bullies were moved to different schools where they themselves became the weak kids, then they started to be bullied, themselves. Worst of all, female teachers are often afraid of the bullies themselves as well, so they will often silently let the bullies bully the kids uninterrupted by authority. Or they will silently side with the bullies and allow it to happen, due to the students havinf deserved it, for being "shit" or "stupid". They see it as the students just reward for being poor at math or whatever else they are bad at. It's despicable behavior all around, really.

Feet Friday

ID:ShLhycOM No.21880786 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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ID:oXjpFlok No.21932214 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't hate anybody else as much as I hate these parasites. The sole reason these motherfuckers are able to bark on us is our own education system and governments that allow them in and educate these negros on how to formulate a sentence and argument. They don't fucking learn anything in the shitholes they originate from besides the porn book of Quran that's pumping sexuality in their cockroach brains all day and yet they have the audacity to talk shit about us. They are by far worse than any other subhuman in every way.

ID:cjJZSGBs No.21928326 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i HATE when this happens.
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ID:/H92egdt No.21932532 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
women need to shut the hell up

White man knocked out by squatting gym PAWG

No.21932492 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
With all women and men in the gym now and lifting more mainstream and popular than ever, how can you still be claiming there's an obesity crisis among young people?
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No.21932355 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
why is gen z so sensitive to minor age gaps?
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ID:GutaLTtO No.21931907 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What would happen if Israel destroyed this thing? Would all the Muslims in the world shut down like robots after you destroyed their control center?