>>22308392People here hate christianity because the religion imports millions of nonwhites into the West, then houses, clothes and feeds them.
People here hate christianity because it sends untold billions to the Third World in aid and tells them not to use contraception so their population keeps multiplying.
People here hate christianity because it forgives women for being whores and allows them to marry men, when no serious religion allows this shit.
Basically all the modern problems we have today are either a direct consequence of christianity or made significantly worse by it.
You christcucks love to pretend that you're uniquely oppressed and persecuted, it's in your DNA to act like a kike and play victim.
But the truth is that you retards have caused most of the problems the modern West has to deal with today.
There's no conspiracy or paid shilling against your cult. People come to hate your religion from observing its consequences in the real world.