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Threads by latest replies - Page 9

Nighty night, /bant/

ID:EtWoX6aP No.22089026 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm going to sleep.
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No.22090852 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Wife wants me to see a therapist and be a medicated zombie or she says I have to leave
I'm not fucking leaving I pay all the bills. Shes stupid
Shes a massive cunt and is miserable as fuck every morning and me being upset at that makes me abusive etc
Basically my only options are to see a person who will report me for saying the wrong thing and also be medicated to the point where my mood has no highs or lows, Your highs and lows define who you are, If you're neutral you're just an NPC
Tells me I cant have beer or drink ever, I have 4 bears over the entire weekend and I work tirelessly
Tells me I cant smoke
Tells me I can't own a gun
If i don't meet all of her demands I have to leave but shes an idiot and cant force me out because we're both on the lease and I have my own living space.
Why the fuck are women so retarded
>Why can't women relax?
Woman hate thread also.
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maddest bitch nigger on /bant/ award

ID:bLNGw+p8 No.22091086 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.22087914 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why is he posting porn now?
>What are the political implication of based black nigga posting porn?
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ID:Ah6Gk1zh No.22091124 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My dad's hairline has receded and the hair at the area has thinned but he has an otherwise full head of hair with an intact crown, it is impossible to notice when he combs his fringe down and his dad (my paternal grandfather) had a bald spot on the back of his head before he died

Please tell me this is just age related hair loss and not male pattern baldness

!!UpNXIRk0JH+ ID:jqBGzwhS No.22090481 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
thinking about..... oxytocin............
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The politics of Bangs/Fringes

No.22090978 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Japan loves them,
America hates them,
Men love them,
Feminists hate them,
Only popular in the West during 1960s,
Popular everywhere else eternally.
The standard in Anime.
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You will never be a woman

ID:cCrh4w68 No.22090769 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

>up vote like and make ad money make 250k yo 1 million scraping the digital gulag economy in hindu zionist dyutopia social influence is satanic


No.22089718 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I am the strongest white man on /pol/

I am a conservative white man of Anglo heritage and i am from South Carolina

If anyone has a problem with any of the following things, I’d kick your ass in real life.

>South Carolina
>The Confederacy
>Donald Trump
>The Constitution

If any of those things offend you, then you’re a pussy and most likely I’d kick your ass IRL.

Simple as

>pic related
>me right now
105 posts and 18 images omitted