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No.4408437 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.4412243 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone experienced with product photography? I have an empty room available in my house and thought of building a setup for that. Building a small side business. Given I know how to compose and take photos as well as having all the necessary gear.. why not? Is this market easier to make some €€€ compared to the standard wedding/portrait photography? Of course need to build a strong portfolio first, website, etc.
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No.4412681 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm clueless about cameras or film. I want something easy to carry on my hunting/fishing trips. Good zoom, night mode would be a plus. This one has bad zoom.
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No.4409955 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Rangefinder bros... we are so fucking back
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Xiaomi 15 Ultra Smartphone

No.4412801 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Primary: 50MP 1.0″ sensor, 3.2 µm (4-in-1) pixels,23mm equivalent f/1.63 aperture lens, OIS
>Tele 1: 50MP, 1.4 µm (4-in-1) pixels, 70mm equivalent f/1.8-aperture lens, OIS
>Tele 2: 200MP, 2.24 µm pixels, 100mm equivalent f/2.6-aperture lens (periscope design), OIS
>Ultra-wide: 50MP, 1.28 µm (4-in-1) pixels, 14mm f/2.2-aperture lens

Can this thing unironically replace a mirrorless camera kit?

No.4412806 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do people really buy these for $1600? You can get a $20 film 35mm p&s for $20.
>bigger "sensor" at full frame
>similar quality lens
>images will actually look like film instead of m43 photos with an s-curve
>saves you $1580
>similar size
Just admit this is a fashion accessory, not a real camera. Same goes for the Richo retards. If you were serious about having a compact, high quality camera you would just being buying a 90s film point and shoot.
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No.4405341 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
why would you spend 5000$ on a fancy camera if cheap phones have 4k sensors that can take pictures like this?
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Trip to New Orleans

No.4412436 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I visited New Orleans over new years and shot some street. Was with family so I couldn't really lock in but I think some of these pics are decent. What do you think? Tear them apart.

All shot on my nikon f5 with 15yr expired ultramax.
12 posts and 10 images omitted