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Threads by latest replies - Page 6

One Hour Photo - The Importance of Photos

No.4411122 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"I was here. I existed. I was young, I was happy, and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture."
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No.4401956 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what are some /pee/-approved lenses for this body? I'm mainly interested in portraits, street photography, trees, cats and birds
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No.4412515 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In the 3000 ish price point for mirrorless cameras is a used Nikon Z8 the best value for money because of its stacked sensor?
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new OM System OM-3

No.4403718 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's a good day to be a M43 chad.

>Compact early SLR design with weatherproofing
>pen F dial for people who like taking pictures instead of gooning in lightroom for hours on end
> OM-3 Kit with 12-45mm F4 Pro £1999 or £1699 for just the body
>new weather sealed compact primes
>perfect camera and system for pretty much any kind of photography outside of extreme low light and niche studio work (which should be using medium or large format anyways)

If your not a self hating sensor size queen doesn't this seem like the perfect everyday carry? Nothing can replace film but at least for digital shooting this looks perfect for most use cases not covered by the OM-2 Mark ii.
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Smartphone photography

No.4355615 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post your phone pics, what phone do you use, etc.

The best camera is the one that's with you!!!
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I'm a street photographer

No.4409964 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How do I stop taking snapshits and start to improve my work to the next level?
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No.4412363 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>19 male
>I like tarkovsky's polaroids, melancholic film photography in general, like Paris, Texas too.
>I also like some "midwest emo" aesthetic like in early Twin Peaks, unironically Life is Strange, The Virgin Suicides, The Butterfly Effect, Dazed and Confused, Napoleon Dynamite, Mysterious Skin, early Linklater, Daniel Johnston's music. Someone described this as "being in Goodwill". That style.
>I like the cinematography in Wong Kar Wai films, especially Chungking Express. His use of colors in general.
>I like the cinematography in Buffalo 66, Motorcycle Diaries, Wings of Desire, Aftersun, BARRY LYNDON. All very different movies.

I know jack shit about photography but I hired a decent photographer for a shoot to make my Instagram feed more kino. Any of the aesthetics above are great imo.
I'm located in Buenos Aires. Fortunately I have the money but I don't have the ideas. What would you do in my case? I don't mind borrowing heavily from any of these movies, it's encouraged.
Also I don't mind going to the countryside or anywhere really, I have free time. Anything is appreciated: ideas, locations, inspo, advice, etc.

Note: I'm in college so I need to fit in, i can't go overboard and look like a freak or a schizo. It is kino but I can't pull it off. Just basic good artistic taste and looking good does it. I also don't want to brag about money or give off "frat bro" style.
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No.4411051 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>buy camera lens
>get limited features because of your camera body
How do camera manufacturers get away with this?
15 posts and 2 images omitted

compact full frame mirrorless?

No.4411485 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Talk me out of spending 3k on a Sony A7CR.
I am mainly looking for something small and easy to hold but with good low light performance to upgrade from my phone camera (iphone 15pro)

I mainly take photos of landscapes, especially mountains and rivers and I want something to capture the colors of the changing seasons without getting washed out in bright sunlight like the phone camera does, nor poor low light performance in cloudy weather and/or near dawn.

I don't especially take a lot of close-up animal photography or urban stuff, but I do sometimes capture historic architecture. But really my biggest thing is clean shots of rivers from above. I like the idea of something small and easy to hold, but with a big sensor for low light. I do take videos (of waterfalls) but not super often and don't need to take long videos. I would like to maximize my megapixel for dollar ratio.

This review says its a good camera - but there's only one SD slot (would I need two anyways? I haven't used SD cards in a long time so I don't know how many high-res photos would fit on one), he suggests this camera is for poseurs and the regular slightly bulkier A7R is fine, but I am often standing in precarious, rocky, slippery environments and I don't want something huge to lug around.

I am open to other cameras, but it seemed like most of the other options had smaller sensors, lower megapixels, or both.
323 posts and 28 images omitted