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Threads by latest replies - Page 8

No.4411869 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>it now cost $20 to develop film only with no prints or scans
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Tips for carrying a camera around?

No.4412103 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to carry my camera around with me more but I hate camera bags, and I especially hate the big camera backpacks. But I also struggle with carrying my camera around and not having to worry about it. I would like to slip it in my bag with me when I go out, that way I have it on me if I see something cool, but I don't want it to get in the way if I need to do some shopping, and I want it to be protected so I don't have to worry about it getting broken in my bag. I use a mirrorless camera with a pancake prime lens and a wrist strap, I don't carry any equipment with me except for maybe a spare battery.

Film cameras are no issue. I have a half frame compact camera and it fits easily into my jacket pocket. I also have a point and shoot which has a little pouch for strapping to my body. It's just the digital camera that I'm concerned about. Digital cameras feel more fragile for whatever reason.

No.4411963 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If I shoot mostly handheld video, is it even worth looking at anything besides a Lumix?
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Underwater video i need help

No.4411367 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Long story short:
I build ROVs as a hobby. ( Remotely operated vehicles ). My little robots and dropcams go up to 7700ft deep in water.
Ive been working pretty hard for the past 10 years and i am at the point where i have a non-profit set up, tons of media coverage, and a small budget to build a next gen subsea camera.
I need help finding a camera or camera sensor than can fit in a 1.25 inch ( 30.5MM ) housing, [pictured]

SO, What is the best camera or camera sensor you can think of that will fit in this aluminum housing with an internal diameter of 1.25 inches or 30.5MM? It would be helpful if the output is terminated in a BNC/UCB/HDMI connection. the power for the camera will be fed from the boat via conductors and data will be transferred via SM fiber (converter in housing).

I am sick of not being able to buy a camera that can be deployed from personally owned boat with a rated depth of over 1000ft. I am building my own and all plans, drawings and code are being open sourced. at my day job I operate/pilot a work class ROV that requires a 300ft vessel and millions of dollars of equipment to explore up to 9000ft. My end goal is to create something that the average man can put together for under 2kUSD.

At the moment I am stuck at finding the best camera/sensor to use in this housing i have already had machined. I appreciate your expertise and autism 4chan. Thank you,
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Figurine Thread

No.4317399 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Feel free to dump any figurine images you got.
Here are a few of mine.
215 posts and 133 images omitted

No.4411879 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pic related is part of the reason why photography is so popular in Japan. Experienced the exact same over there. You have over an hour of the most beautiful sunset lightning you can imagine. Such a high contrast, saturated shadows. I don't know the science behind it. Maybe it's emissions or the position of the sun. No idea.
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No.4409263 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What current film stocks have great vibrant colors and don't make white and asian skin tones look gross and weird?
95 posts and 22 images omitted

No.4411768 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do so many film companies lie about their film speed? Delta 3200 is a 1000 iso film. portra 800 is like a 640 iso film. cinestill is vision 3 so 800t is 500t and 500d is 250d.
Like look at this confusing shit
>set your ISO on your light meter to 3200
>actually its a 1000 speed film lol
I guess digital cameras are just as fucking bad where a lot of them lie about ISO. Actually do external lightmeters even work for digital or do they assume everyone will just ttl and that is how they hide their ISO and tstop lies?

Photography as a job

No.4411826 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This has probably been a topic over a thousand times but fuck it

I used to shoot gigs (for free obviously) but never went the professional way. Studied accounting instead and hate the office life.
At this stage I wouldn't even care if I had to shoot some fat disgusting couples 5x per month as long as I'm working with a camera, editing pictures and not spending 40 hours/week with these lowlifes in the office.

As far as I know, normies happily pay hundreds of bucks for shootings. Weddings pay well.. and if you make enough money per month doing bs like that, you still have some time left for proper photography work, right?

Is this way too simple or can this be done? What would the easiest way into a photography business in your opinion?

No.4409685 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
if this was shot today it would be considered a snapshit

so if half a century passed from today and knowing everyone and their mom does street photography how would you consider what represents our current state
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