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Figurine Thread

No.4317399 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Feel free to dump any figurine images you got.
Here are a few of mine.
215 posts and 133 images omitted

No.4411879 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pic related is part of the reason why photography is so popular in Japan. Experienced the exact same over there. You have over an hour of the most beautiful sunset lightning you can imagine. Such a high contrast, saturated shadows. I don't know the science behind it. Maybe it's emissions or the position of the sun. No idea.
4 posts and 3 images omitted

No.4409263 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What current film stocks have great vibrant colors and don't make white and asian skin tones look gross and weird?
95 posts and 22 images omitted

No.4411768 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do so many film companies lie about their film speed? Delta 3200 is a 1000 iso film. portra 800 is like a 640 iso film. cinestill is vision 3 so 800t is 500t and 500d is 250d.
Like look at this confusing shit
>set your ISO on your light meter to 3200
>actually its a 1000 speed film lol
I guess digital cameras are just as fucking bad where a lot of them lie about ISO. Actually do external lightmeters even work for digital or do they assume everyone will just ttl and that is how they hide their ISO and tstop lies?

Photography as a job

No.4411826 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This has probably been a topic over a thousand times but fuck it

I used to shoot gigs (for free obviously) but never went the professional way. Studied accounting instead and hate the office life.
At this stage I wouldn't even care if I had to shoot some fat disgusting couples 5x per month as long as I'm working with a camera, editing pictures and not spending 40 hours/week with these lowlifes in the office.

As far as I know, normies happily pay hundreds of bucks for shootings. Weddings pay well.. and if you make enough money per month doing bs like that, you still have some time left for proper photography work, right?

Is this way too simple or can this be done? What would the easiest way into a photography business in your opinion?

No.4409685 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
if this was shot today it would be considered a snapshit

so if half a century passed from today and knowing everyone and their mom does street photography how would you consider what represents our current state
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Vulture Culture

No.4408015 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Might just be the most profound photo ever captured as it sums up the human condition in the modern world, all in one photo. We are all just waiting to die, with those left behind being vultures waiting to feed off us. Today, that's in the form of money; inheritance. Among other things.
33 posts and 8 images omitted

No.4411735 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Im planning to start a fine art project.
I have a few rgb lights and stands and I am going to setup a small scene in my house at night with the coloured lights and photograph it on a film camera with long exposure, then maybe move some stuff to get trippy effects.

I feel like thats 70% of it figured out, but I am not sure how I elevate it into art.

I dont understand how artists get some vision to say? how do you come up with a message or whatever that part is called?

Battery tech and energy efficiency is the reason why we can't have new shiny things?

No.4411405 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
New camera comes out, it is almost identical to previous version and even has some drawbacks when compared (worse ISO performance, the necessity of a fan etc).
This is also the reason why we don't see revision of those cutesy cameras that were made close to a decade ago and now fetch high premiums on the second hand market.. it is simply impossible to improve upon them. I think we are at a roadblock as far as technology goes unless more energy efficient batteries comes to market and from my understanding all that chatter about "better batteries" aka solid state is just a pipe dream, a hoax intended to push the green shift narrative a little longer so that big corporations can get subsidies as long as possible.
In short, any camera made the last couple of years will probably be up to date for a long time.
12 posts and 1 image omitted

No.4411480 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have done some reading and found a lot of parrots live near me in the forest and grasslands including op pic.
What’s the cheapest decent setup to get photos?
I don’t care using old dslr and want about 600Mm equivalent of zoom.