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This is where I draw the line as far as risk/reward of endurance feats. Climbing Mount Everest does not seem worth it financially or in regards to risk of death.
>>2805959 >>2805962 No I’m saying I would swim the channel (accompanied by an escort boat) if I can get into good enough shape. Right now I’m training for my first Ironman.
I’m saying the risk of climbing something like Everest or McKinley is above my risk tolerance. The EC is where I draw the line.
>>2805983 >accompanied by an escort boat you're golden then
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>>2805311 One of my relatives actually tried this twice, he couldnt get sponsorship or a guide boat so he decided to do it himself.
>"I constructed from a blown up motor car inner tube a pannier-made from a coffee tin-containing a compass, two bottles of rum, sliced chicken, sugar and biscuits. I struck out from Cap Gris Nez with the inner tube and pannier strung out behind me. After about 5 hours I wanted something to eat so I pulled in the tray and found that the chicken and biscuits had been washed away. The bottles of rum were still there and I took a long drink."
>can't hike in summer because mosquitos/fly swarms completely ruin the experience and blot out the sun >can't hike in winter because you'll freeze to death at under sub 0F temps >fall is the only season where hiking is possible with bugs dying off but not freezing cold I hate living in the Yukon
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>>2803633 Seems like a skill issue.
>can't hike in summer because mosquitos/fly swarms completely ruin the experience and blot out the sun Mosquitos are annoying but not unmanageable. Wear a bug net.
>can't hike in winter because you'll freeze to death at under sub 0F temps Wear appropriate clothing and you are fine.
>>2803806 >Just get cancer dude Anonymous
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>>2803633 >can't hike in summer because mosquitos/fly swarms completely ruin the experience and blot out the sun True. Summer is for the sea.
Winter is for hiking.
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>>2803836 This is true. I applied lotion to myself once when I was 14 and now I have stage 4 brain cancer in my lungs
what is the best soil that I should be using for raised beds to grow potatoes tomatoes peppers and herbs. preferably something I can get for a good value at a lowes or a home depot
Did some research and holy shit I did not expect such a vast difference in soils
>>2807268 im still conflicted on brands but miracle gro and promix seems nice but I dont know which exact typr of potting/raised bed soil.
>>2807386 I know im gonna get the mykos and put them on my plants roots before planting because I know that helps alot. And ill try and amend the compost im thinking of mixing with the soil in a 1/4 ratio. Ill also look into incorporating charcoal int soil
>>2808378 forgot to add the soils used in picrel is in this order
miracle gro potting mix, miracle gro raised bed mix, virogro garden soil, kellog raised bed mix, kellog garden soil
the channel is called soil lab
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>>2808378 >>2808379 Soil is the single most important part of growing plants. Try reading "Building Soil for Better Crops" by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es
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>>2807263 You want lits of fibres to maintain water, and mid-level amounts of fertilizer (too much makes the tomatoes and peppers grow to heights where you'd need a ladder to harvest them).
What I'd do is get some horse manure (one year old is best, but you can use fresh for everything that isn't roots, and you can often get it for free since horse owners want to be rid of it), then mix that in with the soil you already have, or (untreated) wood chips and sawdust, if your soil is too bad.
>potatoes in a raised bed You're gonna have a bad time getting them out.
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i want to start urban exploring dont know where to start.what should i bring,should go alone or bring a friend.also i live in istanbul so high chance of getting stabbed if go somewhere i should i not.
>>2805314 Stop bumping your shitty bait thread.
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>>2805320 Okay let's get this ratioed
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What kind of axe do you use for chopping up deadfall innawoods? Is there any real difference between expensive axes and my $40 one from the hardware store? I know pic related are just silly overpriced shit for hipsters, but even like a $150 axe from council tool or somebody like that seems overpriced.
>>2803174 Lol fucking jealous chudcel.
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>>2803232 Gay ass Hudson Bay pattern on a painted handle? No thanks. I much prefer my Dayton pattern (best pattern) with a well oiled handle.
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I just use the cheap yellow plastic handle axes from harbor freight and they work fine
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>>2802070 That Estwing looks to be a nice length, definitely a car camping axe, I think the next size down at 16" is more pack friendly.
I'm just an autist so it was really hard for me to know what I wanted to do as a career, because it was really hard to know how I really feel through all the strong emotions I feel because of my sensitivity, but I think my passion is wildlife, and I want to focus on a degree in wildlife biology and become some sort of person that helps conserve and protect wildlife and nature from the evil fucking normies that I hate with a burning passion. Does this sound like a good goal, or am I just chasing dreams here? Honestly, any job where I can work in nature would be fine, but I would enjoy it more if I could make a small difference in the world
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>>2806676 that's the entire animal kingdom tho
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>>2806940 Marine biology doesn't really appeal to me. I'm more interested in animal biology than plant biology. I think I would focus on animal biology in school, and pursue a career in that, but I would be happy just being a park ranger and spending lots of time in nature, and hopefully not getting shot by meth heads that got lost in the woods
>>2806901 My office lost ten people last week and more are in the works.
There is a hiring freeze so no one can be replaced
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>>2806901 they are.
fedbois turn everything they touch to shit.
>>2806917 >>2806994 hah.
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>>2806606 Try out Americorps. You basically have a job for 11 months helping out innawoods. It’s a federal job so it’s also good on a resume
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Gonna head up to Potato-land (Idaho) to check out the Inland Temperate Rainforest around either the summer or fall for some hiking and camping. Any anons that can give any sort of reccs for that area. Ill only be there 4, 5 days max. Dont know what exact area (s) ill be visiting though...havent done a lot of diggin yet. >basically...Spoonfeed me pleas. Thanks /out/ists
No, fuck off, we don't need any more people, especially people who refer to our state as the potato state.
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>>2808367 You’re too late for that. People from California have been rushing there for a while. Same goes for Montana
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How do I get into spelunking What gear do I need and how do I get experienced with it though
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>>2807932 Taking a break over a gap. This was an exhausting cave
>>2807932 Ok I'm done spamming. This is a very dangerous cave because the first 100 or so feet is called an ear dipper because you're wading through water inside that so close to the ceiling you have to lean your head to the side to be able to breath and your ear gets wet. It's very prone to flooding in even the slightest bit of rain. In the 80s, a group got stranded for a few days in this cave. I'll answer any questions about caving and if anybody wants to travel to central Kentucky I'm willing to let you come along on a trip.
>>2808110 >if anybody wants to travel to central Kentucky I'm willing to let you come along on a trip. Dont take this the wrong way man but no one is gonna take you up on that. Meeting some random dude off 4chan to go into a cave with? Dont get me wrong, I'm sure you're a swell guy but no one is gonna follow you into a hole in the ground without some decent vetting.
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>>2808335 Lol I really don't care. It's no skin off my back I'm just as happy not to do it.
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>>2808335 You don't know cavers then.
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Some fucking homo stole my tent and sleeping bag out in Shoshone National Forest. It felt like there was barely anyone out so I didn't bother to pack my camp up when i decided to go out for a day hike after the first night. I planned to come back and sleep at the same place and repeat for a few days. Instead I came back and saw my shit ransacked, tent and bag stolen and some other items gone. I had to coming hike all the way back in a panic to my car in the dark. What kind of fucking person steals someones tent in the back country.
>>2807037 I have a feeling you were LUCKY you weren't there anon. I'm surprised this hasn't occurred to you but that person maybe woulda just murdered you then take your stuff after if you were there.
Hell, taking someone's winter gear far from civilization IS a murder attempt.
Freaky. How much $$$ in gear did you lose? Winter camping stuff can be quite expensive.
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>>2807007 >I hope you don't have neon gear and an orange tent They're invisible now.
>>2807302 >new guy he just got fired
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>>2807449 He was annoying AF to be honest.
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>>2807338 >Hell, taking someone's winter gear far from civilization IS a murder attempt. True honestly. It was probably a homeless dude who just followed his tracks right to his camp and looted it up.
Where my disc golfers at? Disc golf is basically hiking while throwing frisbees.
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>>2808133 It's extremely fuckin gay
>>2800922 >>>/xs/ >>2800936 no one on this board goes outside
and the ones that do are socially retarded.
literally had a convo with an /out/ist in r9k about how going to your local parks is still going outside and his response was
>is going outside to be be a good thing? i stopped posting on here as much because this board is kind if an absolute joke. Going outside on out or on 4chan has to meet an autistically strict definition or you arent going outside even though you're outside.
>own hunting land >sorry anon that's not outdoors >own properth for seasonal hiking and gatherings >sorry anon that's not outdoors and then the same spergs spend like $3k on gear but say you dont go outside simply because you sleep in a cabin you built on your own land or a trailer you put on your own land
>>2808222 that's like saying homesteaders in alasaka arent actually homesteading because they live in a house.
>>2808222 >>2808223 >inb4 "have you considered that we're too busy going outside" you say that as you post on 4chan
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>>2808224 the only time this board is good is when hunting season hits