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Threads by latest replies - Page 14

English Channel

No.2805311 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is where I draw the line as far as risk/reward of endurance feats.

Climbing Mount Everest does not seem worth it financially or in regards to risk of death.
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No.2803633 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>can't hike in summer because mosquitos/fly swarms completely ruin the experience and blot out the sun
>can't hike in winter because you'll freeze to death at under sub 0F temps
>fall is the only season where hiking is possible with bugs dying off but not freezing cold
I hate living in the Yukon
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No.2807263 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what is the best soil that I should be using for raised beds to grow potatoes tomatoes peppers and herbs. preferably something I can get for a good value at a lowes or a home depot
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how do i start urban exploring

No.2801715 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i want to start urban exploring dont know where to start.what should i bring,should go alone or bring a friend.also i live in istanbul so high chance of getting stabbed if go somewhere i should i not.
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No.2800348 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What kind of axe do you use for chopping up deadfall innawoods? Is there any real difference between expensive axes and my $40 one from the hardware store? I know pic related are just silly overpriced shit for hipsters, but even like a $150 axe from council tool or somebody like that seems overpriced.
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No.2806606 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm just an autist so it was really hard for me to know what I wanted to do as a career, because it was really hard to know how I really feel through all the strong emotions I feel because of my sensitivity, but I think my passion is wildlife, and I want to focus on a degree in wildlife biology and become some sort of person that helps conserve and protect wildlife and nature from the evil fucking normies that I hate with a burning passion. Does this sound like a good goal, or am I just chasing dreams here? Honestly, any job where I can work in nature would be fine, but I would enjoy it more if I could make a small difference in the world
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No.2806041 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gonna head up to Potato-land (Idaho) to check out the Inland Temperate Rainforest around either the summer or fall for some hiking and camping. Any anons that can give any sort of reccs for that area. Ill only be there 4, 5 days max. Dont know what exact area (s) ill be visiting though...havent done a lot of diggin yet.

>basically...Spoonfeed me pleas. Thanks /out/ists

No.2805685 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I get into spelunking
What gear do I need and how do I get experienced with it though
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No.2806931 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Some fucking homo stole my tent and sleeping bag out in Shoshone National Forest. It felt like there was barely anyone out so I didn't bother to pack my camp up when i decided to go out for a day hike after the first night. I planned to come back and sleep at the same place and repeat for a few days. Instead I came back and saw my shit ransacked, tent and bag stolen and some other items gone. I had to coming hike all the way back in a panic to my car in the dark. What kind of fucking person steals someones tent in the back country.
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No.2800922 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Where my disc golfers at? Disc golf is basically hiking while throwing frisbees.
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