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Brit/out/ - It's finally winter now

No.2806064 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Probably the best month we get for winter conditions

You have been out playing in the snow... right anon?
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No.2806041 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gonna head up to Potato-land (Idaho) to check out the Inland Temperate Rainforest around either the summer or fall for some hiking and camping. Any anons that can give any sort of reccs for that area. Ill only be there 4, 5 days max. Dont know what exact area (s) ill be visiting though...havent done a lot of diggin yet.

>basically...Spoonfeed me pleas. Thanks /out/ists

Jordan Trail / backpacking

No.2805924 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey out, planning to hike the jordan trail starting next week or so, and the full map links on their website don't work. I found a full gpx file online and started adding waypoints for water and food, but realized someone else might've done it already, and couldn't find anyone who had when I googled it. Figured there's a small chance someone here might have it, and could save me a couple hours of tedium.

I also started copy pasting the info from their site for food/water/lodging/segment descriptions into a single doc, and figured someone may have done that too.

slim chance, i know, but wanted to give it a shot asking here. In return heres a photo from a hike in turkey i took recently. also any backpacking advice for hotter climates would be appreciated, esp anything not obvious.
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No.2805912 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it true that the Appalachian mountains have weird creatures that roam at night?
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No.2805886 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>buy a bunch of cold weather gear
>its finally arriving all soon
>cold season is nearing its end
I wish i was born during the little ice age

No.2805836 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How are we holding up, federal land management bros?
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Southern Appalachia ghost towns and hiking

No.2805779 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /out. I am leaving the US to go work in another country and I wanted to go on a trip with 5 to 6 others deep into Southern Appalachia. A lot of us are hikers and urban ex enthusiasts. We also really enjoy folklore and horror. Thought I would start this thread to get people talking about their experiences exploring Southern Appalachia or to talk about abandoned towns they may know of. (Planning to plot out locations on a map. Feel free to leave town names or rough map locations. Thanks)

No.2805720 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey /out/, i was hiking through a small wetland to get to a river to camp out at, and came across this animal carcass. To me it kinda looks like a coon but the ribs look too big, there's also something white clamped onto its tail. anyone have an idea of what this thing is? the location is in the southeastern US.

No.2805685 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I get into spelunking
What gear do I need and how do I get experienced with it though
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$25 Million Estates over 700 acres

No.2805676 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Is this your dream home when you become rich?
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