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Threads by latest replies - Page 3

Animal Thread

No.4376110 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's your favorite animal, /p/? Mine is the frog.

Here are some snapshits from a fair I went to. My dad gave me a Sony A6400 which was really fun but I think I did something wrong with the colors so I've just gone and turned those off.
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No.4358056 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Aa am ii a talented photographer?
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No.4331594 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Home photography thread
170 posts and 128 images omitted


No.4405692 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Pictorialism was so soulful....
why'd it have to die.
Any of you Anons taken pictorialist photos?
81 posts and 48 images omitted

No.4408471 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm think about grabbing one of these for recording family videos. Anyone have any experience using the osmo pocket 3? What are your thoughts on the device?
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No.4413077 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am very seriously considering buying a Sigma fp for photography. Sigma is the only company making digital cameras with soul.

No.4372118 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How do we save photography and ourselves bros? Media has gone completely schizo and there is no way one single image of literally anything, not even hardcore porn can compete with what short form video has done to 99% of people's brains. The output of our hobby is decimated because of over-stimulation and information overload.

Is there anything that can be done? Do we have to all get into video ASAP and accept that stills are dead? Do we start writing on blogs again like it was 2012 to go with our photos? Walling off into Flickr did not work as that platform is even more dead than Instagram. We have some of the most realistic, smartest autists online on 4chan, I am sure we can come up with a logical practical solution.

>just shoot for yourself
>just print the photos and put them on your bedroom wall who cares lol
No, this is just cope. We all know it.
216 posts and 21 images omitted

Backrooms Photos

No.4413007 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey. Post your Linimal spaces photography. Comment on the liminalspace photography genre. comment/discuss editing conventions in the liminalspaces imagegenre. Be a cool person.

No.4412713 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is digital just an endless cycle of the last camera/old tech not being good enough?

Film had its flaws, but at least for the most part, there was no need to buy a new camera every 5 years, right?
35 posts and 5 images omitted

/mage/ Macro Photography General

No.4376661 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Cheeto Dust Covered Bee Edition

1. Macro is based
2. Anything lower than f/16 is useless, anything over f/8 causes diffraction (we don't care)
3. Get a flash of some kind if you're doing handheld macro, get a softbox if your lighting is too harsh (it is)
4. 1x magnification can be overkill. Nobody cares if you hit 1x or greater, if it's framed like shit
5. 200mm for bugs, 100mm for all-purpose, lower focal lengths are memes
6. Extension tubes are cheap enough to dabble. Stick them on something between 50-200mm and go to town
7. Gear posts are allowed but keep it on topic
8. Any macro is encouraged. Bugs, plants, textures, minis etc. all welcome

Previous Thread >>4342854
204 posts and 94 images omitted