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Love Haunt Quest

!!NTsLgRM9VP0 ID:Jjeh5gHv No.6121718 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are <span class="mu-s">THEMA MUMINA</span>, the UNDEAD QUEEN of the EGYPTIAN UNDERWORLD. Your syndicate holds tremendous power over the ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT, a feat you'd worked tirelessly towards for nearly a century. You're quite proud of your handiwork, and you value all of your loyal undead subordinates.

However, you can't help but feel somewhat desolate. You've been at this crime thing for years on your own, and you can't help but long for the loving warmth of COMPANIONSHIP. You start to reminisce. In your past life as one of the living, you were married to a wealthy farmer. You didn't quite fancy the man, but considering the immense dowry he offered your family, you didn't really have a choice in the matter. You remember the affairs you used to have with the cute servant girls your husband brought home, and you recall longing to explore deeper, more FULFILLING RELATIONSHIPS WITH WOMEN. You never really did find men all that attractive, anyway.
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14-year-old Trixie Studer was last seen in Ratcliff on October 18, 2024 at around 7:30 p.m.

ID:IYc86CTr No.6125613 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ARKANSAS, USA — Authorities in Arkansas have activated an Amber Alert with hopes of locating a missing teen.

She is described as being 5'00" in height and weighing about 100 pounds with with blue hair and green eyes.

She was last seen wearing a white short shirt that has a large brown stripe and black pants.

Reports say she could be traveling with someone she met online. She was also seen with two backpacks, one of which was blue. She also has a cat with her that is black with brown spots.

She may be traveling in a silver SUV with black wheels that has had the license plate removed.

Anyone with any information regarding the whereabouts is urged to contact the Logan County Sheriff's Office at (703) 587-3399.

Hexpedition: Atlas Improbable [Skirmish]

!!8Og8gGv6k3r ID:2M0ihaSP No.6108817 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
" I see you weren't entirely mistaken. "
" When am I ever? "
" I'll deign not to answer that. "
" Lighten up. "
" And you're certain this will actually work? "
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Theseus: a 40k A.I. quest

ID:yMmzOT2L No.6104555 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You shall assist the Fabricator-General. After all, this concerns the lives of innocents, your masters’ descendants whom had done no wrong other than suffer from the crime of ignorance.

Gane shall have his voidyards, not voidships, though those will be easily produced when you choose for them to be as the voidyards that you make will be of Federation standard. They will certainly stand to anyone whom witnesses them, of that there is no doubt. However, their automation and great production capacity means that the only possible bottlenecks of production would be nothing more than providing the sheer amounts of raw materials required.

Though you shall also go further than that, with a few commands the autoforge could be quickly ordered to begin producing robotic legions that shall easily cut through the greenskin hordes. As well anyone else that might pose a threat to you.

At the end of such a process, Gane will no longer be able to sequester you. That means that he either truly underestimates you, he has no other choice, or he has a trump card, most likely the small device in his possession.

You need answers, you needed those answers yesterday as no matter how much Belogyma may proclaim to worship a you she has in her mind, she undoubtedly filtered the information she thinks you would find apprehensive, she might still obey Gane as well. There are just too many unknows to be entirely sure all of the information that you required is as accurate as you would like.

<span class="mu-i">"You show some sense at last.”</span> You begin in response to him lifting your inhibition of more drones. <span class="mu-i">“The good news Volteus is that I can do something more besides being broken. The bad news is that: I could have done FAR more before. So how about we talk, Volteus ? If you can't do this, then working together becomes, I am afraid, impossible with your stubbornness.”</span>
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Claymore: Second Swords Quest #88

!!mceqYMwptbm ID:8MtrEMFV No.6086809 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Noel Tiberius di Hazaran, the silver-eyed warrior queen of the kingdom whose name you share as your regnal title, and after years of conflict with the Organization that created you and your cohort things appear to have finally hit peak madness.

Using the flesh and blood of monsters to create monster-hunters with supernatural powers was one thing. Using the flesh and blood of monsters to create the monsters your monster-hunters were ostensibly created to hunt was quite another. Somewhat convoluted if you’re honest, but to be fair there’s a series of internally-consistent reasons behind that which the Organization believed made it necessary. And now that you’ve seen one of the ‘asarakam’ – the monsters used to create the yōma used to create warriors like you – you can’t say you disagree with the conclusion.

So far you’re the only one of your kind who’s actually tried to attack an asarakam, and while you can’t say it was ‘harmless’ the fact remains that you actually bounced off its armored body. That means a large number of warriors here with you won’t be able to do much of anything at all – the ducklings, the former trainees, and even several of the survivors from your initial suicide mission would struggle to make a difference. That means asking them to charge across open ground with you would be asking them to take on a meaningless risk, and you’re not going to do that.

“Anyone want to run across that open field with me?” you ask aloud. “Half-awakened and awakened only please.”

Hands go up instantly.

“Helen,” you decide. Her ‘Echo Sword’ helps her change directions rapidly even without partially awakening, which means that in terms of slippery targets for human riflemen and artillery she’s one of the best to call upon.

“Serana.” The Earthbreaker can also be used defensively, even one-handed, to raise a massive cloud of dust and debris. And if you’re being honest, you’re not sure that you can deny her.

“Sabela.” Your mother is pretty much immortal, so asking her to follow you this time is hardly an imposition.

“Justina.” She nods once and says nothing. Of all the half-awakened warriors Justina is the only one who was originally a defensive-type… back when that was more often a meaningful distinction. That means her regenerative capacity is particularly extreme, so if she gets blown up a little it’s more of a temporary setback than an actual problem.
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Maximum Spider Quest #23

!!urZ1qzDpXky ID:05f9LGz6 No.6110912 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. <span class="mu-i">He</span> goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: As their day out at Central Park comes to a close, Ben and Cindy discuss the possibility of getting her a therapist, and Matt confronts Ben about his allying himself with Silvermane. The following day, Ben and Ember sit down for a nice relaxing breakfast, and Ben introduces the Morlocks to Madame Webb!

And while he intended to help them buy a home, what he didn't expect was for Madame Webb to give them a mansion that was built for Jesus himself!

The meeting wasn't without it's interruptions, however. Thomas Edison called to ask more about Cindy's vibranium suit, and Ember informed him that his girlfriend, Anastasia Kravinoff, was back in town! That alone was enough to convince Ben to leave early and head straight home.

Finally reunited, the two of them try to make up for lost time and go out on patrol together. Only, they weren't expected to run into a superhuman that's seemingly able to create and manipulate an army of candy creatures!

Will Ben be able to walk away from this without any serious injuries or cavities?

Find out more in the latest issue of…<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-r">MAXIMUM SPIDER QUEST!</span></span>

Most dice rolls will be 1d100. Modifiers will be added depending on the situation or on the alien being used(Usually +10 or -10). Crit successes and crit fails apply. Crit fails can be overridden by crit successes, but crit failures cannot override crit successes.

How to Roll:
To roll dice, type “dice+1d100” in the options field without the quotations. To roll dice with positive modifiers, type “dice+1d100+modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number. To roll dice with negative modifiers, type “dice+1d100+-modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:

Good luck and have fun!
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Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XXI

!!2IhCLnnO0Db ID:DXretlgP No.6113574 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The year is 1374 DR. Sixteen years have passed since the Time of Troubles, when the gods were made humble, and forced to wander the Realms as mortals. With the ascension of the mad god Cyric, Prince of Lies, and the recent return of the tyrant god Bane, Lord of Darkness, the future of Faerûn seems increasingly uncertain. It falls to bold individuals who possess an abundance of cunning, might, and determination to shape the future... should they be up to the challenge.

Fitting the cart upon which the alchemist's womb rests through the portal leading into the High Sorcerer's tower proves a laborious task. Mustering the strength of every sinew of muscle in your body, you manage to force the blasted thing through the other end with a mighty heave. Exerting yourself to guarantee that your precious cargo gradually comes to rest in a stable position, you take in a lungful of the supernaturally clear spire air and shut your eyes, enjoying a brief respite before ascending the spiral staircase leading to the pentagonal main chamber.

Opposite to you is the overlarge bookshelf. Once packed from end-to-end with esoteric literature, a veritable army of what you reason to be invisible hands work tirelessly to pack away each work inside of a trunk. The sheer volume of books stored away inside leads you to conclude that the interior is larger than the exterior would suggest - a common feature of magical containers, although the mechanics of this function elude you.
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Magic God's planet. Evogame

ID:8wMap6u+ No.6118439 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bored the Magic God decides to take up a popular hobby and creates his own planet. For now it's simple, just a lump of dirt with oceans and nothing else not even a light source yet, but he will slowly change all that over time. Normally life wouldn't be possible at all but this is the work of a God, certain rules can be broken. Wanting to get to the interesting part he adds four simple life forms to the bottom of one of the oceans, all made from things he has easy acces to.

The first creature, a predator, is made from a drop of his own blood. It isn't very fast or strong but hard to kill since it's entire body is malleable. Using this malleable body it envelops it's prey whole. The god dubs this creature Bloodslime.

Next he modifies a simple earthworm to act as his world's scavenger and geophage. Using some hairs he gives this creature feelers and simply calls it Geoworm.

Using a small branch of one his plants the God creates the Leafling, obviously to act as the plants of his world as well food for his last creation.

After having looked for a good material to make a herbivore with the for a long time the God and simply used some leftover lard from his last meal. This so called Lardfish is the fastest of his creations.

Normal Evo games apply. Evolve creatures, one alteration at a time. Don't evolve a creature if you were the one to evolve it last and save your work as a .png
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Heretic Cultivator Quest 25

!!x2Y5mWD7k6q ID:xSL8MRMI No.6084664 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous chapters:
MC info Pastebin:
Sect/ disciple info Doc:

It is a time of celebration! A grand festival of talent that has swept up all of Chuan, and not just those dwelling within the world of cultivation. The regal and resplendent tournament hosted by your dignified and majestic Palace of Natural Laws Sect (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn) that had excited everyone from the meagerest of pauper to the most venerable of daoist sages, has truly begun, with the little people of Chuan being given precedence and a chance to prove their worth to the arrogant and haughty cultivators, a group whom surely you the ever humble Huanliuxue (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood) the peerless genius founder of the heretical ghostly technique the Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎl) cannot possibly be counted among. Already, two of the initial contests have produced winners, The tactician's trials narrowly being won by your first disciple, Fu of the two axe's, somewhat delinquent but well meaning little sister Ju, and a true genius emerging in the scholar's tests in the form of Ma Wencheng, former tax collector and imperial scholar.

Though while they have earned themselves a place amongst your disciples, you've found several other competitiors from both of the completed pre Qi condensation contests who could serve you and the palace of natural laws in ways besides filling its roster and becoming your students. Five scholars and eight strategists, much to the indignation of the other sect heads of Chuan, who had been ready to recruit the best of the runner ups before you pulled rank and used your privilege as a host to snatch the best of the losers and bring them into your employ.

And the most annoyed of the venerable, sagacious masters who are supposedly are your peerage, The Current Weiwupo (Great Witch, 伟 巫婆) of the innocent witch court (清白巫婆宫廷, Qīngbáiwūpó gōngtíng), was given the honor of observing the next two contests at your side, along with your friend, Lian Tianhua (莲 天花, Lotus Heavenly flower), the head of the thousand hall (千莲花殿堂, Qiānliánhuādiàntáng) and matriarch of the Lian clan, to whom your genius student Lian Luli, her little sister, unfortunately belongs to considering the inheritance she received from it.

And while the alchemist trials and crafting contests were partially meant to be a way to show off the material wealth of your heretical temple, both of them have proven to be far more exciting than even the most pitched battles of the tactician's bouts! What wonderous treasures these mortals have crafted with materials too rare to be found even in the nine heavens!

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Final Fantasy: The Wandering Warrior

ID:tKYWZmru No.6121197 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are a masterless wanderer, a spell or sword for hire. The bards and romantics call you an adventurer. You are poor and have no renown, only just starting out. You've come to the Restless West in search of fortune, fame or power. Maybe all three. Your past is behind you and the long road ahead of you.

From where do you hail?

>Each choice gives a cultural Skill and three classes the region is known to produce. Our character doesn't necessarily have to be of those three.

>Mysido the Magical nation (White, black, red mages)
Every Mysidan receives a basic understanding of magic and aether, even if you can't cast. You gain the Arcane Adept Skill.

>The Northern Grahla Tribes - (Dark Knight, Dragoon, Ranger)
Chill winds and harsh winters carve through the northern fjords and mountain valleys of Grahla. Everyone learns how to survive, hunt, kill, and track prey. You gain the Huntsman Skill.

>The Eastern Ryuukage kingdom (Samurai, ninja, monk)
Your politeness and socializing skills are great. You know how to sway and influence people into liking you. You gain the Immaculate Etiquette Skill.
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