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Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 26

!!r0G0pXK2t+6 ID:aICPFDO0 No.6022379 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome back.

Rules are simple: Votes are tallied every hour, with whatever course of action being the most popular being the course of action taken. Write ins are encouraged and non-mutually exclusive votes will be combined if possible.

When a roll is called for, roll however many D100 are specified. 5- is a 'crit fail' and generally means something bad is about to happen. 95+ is a 'crit success' and generally means something good just happened. a 'crit success' trumps a crit fail. User input on both will be taken into consideration.

Inventory, pokemon stats and other links:


For a short summary for the new and to recap:

You are Alex. A newly minted trainer and camping enthusiast just starting out on your journey at the age of seventeen after your father lost his job in order to help pay the bills. On the road, you met Fie, the Fire Gym Leader, Gareth a novice Aura Guardian on pilgrimage and Holly, a runaway heiress using a pseudonym. You've also made enemies of Team Green a group of violent, radical activists looking to abolish pokemon training.

Recently, Fie returned to her gym for the time being.

Last thread, Queenie evolved, you made it back to Saltcoast, spent the night with Fie and in the morning, started preparing to move on.
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!!NU6pWV7z9Pv ID:qIs0Ni5K No.6037279 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
PRELUDE Father took us to the foreign land,
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Cleaner Quest #6

!!k8ZbH4xhBG5 ID:McLKkos/ No.6028147 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Despite everyone living in the massive megacomplex called the <span class="mu-s">City</span> saying it's a very bad idea, you are still <span class="mu-s">Nicole Smith.</span> You still have your anomalous powers and you still have the voices screaming in your head.

You're still a <span class="mu-s">Cleaner</span>, a a deniable asset used by massive mega-corporations called the <span class="mu-s">Alphabet Companies</span> and anyone else willing to pay you. Most of your jobs are from your <span class="mu-s">Handler</span> a member of a powerful family who asks you to check up on things or 'clean' up messes for him.

Over the last few days, you've had a lot on your plate. You explored an old, nearly abandoned W-Corp mine in search of a missing girl from the prestigious Vanni family while trying to avoid the other corpos who were trying to find the missing girl as well. On the way down, you managed to find out how corrupt the mayor of the town was and that the missing girl came down there under false pretenses.

You then worked together with the corpos to let the mayor die while they clean up the mess left behind. You managed to find out what W-Corp's singularity was in the meantime and after everything settled down, you gave two of your allies (Max and Benjamin) an injection of ICP Energy to awaken an anomalous Spark in them. Who knows what will develop of this? Hopefully the couple is happy with the decision they made.

After a series of tense dinner discussions and corporate negotiations, you found an odd satellite in the middle of your district and the question on who owns it and why it exists lingers in the back of your mind. Before you can think any further on it, you then prepared to investigate a series of mysterious tunnels that were propping up all over J-Corp's district to find out what the hell is going on.

Now that you're exploring with six of your allies, including a weird cowboy and a schizophrenic mess of a woman from W-Corp, you found out that it's from an old P-Corp facility trying to unseal itself after decades underground. If you don't stop it, you worry that the intense amount of A-Energy leaking into the air will destroy the surface. It's already raining a lot and from what you know, the rain is caused by the A-Energy being let out.

So be it. Anything to wash out those god damn Silver Agents hunting you. You'll make sure they'll drown down there.

MAIN CHARACTER SHEET (has your stats + perks + abilities):
ALLIES (contains their stats, abilities, recruitment costs, and RAPPORT):
MECHANICS (contains the explanation of stats, how stat checks work, and some other minor rules):
INVENTORY (contains your items, consumables, weapons, etc.):
CITY INFO (General information about the Alphabet Companies and other notable entities):
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Hireling Quest

ID:SNLYKjnD No.6052927 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Within this ruined realm live a certain class of deviants who are neither outlaws nor quite explorers, but something in-between. Polite society tolerates them only begrudgingly, for on occasion, they are responsible for the recovery of ancient, long-forgotten treasures which, with remarkably little effort, pass through their hands for the more common and well-known pleasures of drink, damsels, and dice. They are called rogues by some. The faithful do not hesitate to label them as grave robbers and desecrators. A few are revered as heroes. But the title they have always preferred is simply: adventurer.

You are not one of them. You are hireling. A dogsbody, an assistant, on rare occasions a retainer, and perhaps one day, a companion. For the moment, your inexperience and ignorance have relegated you to the lowly tasks of carrying baggage and to serve as a canary in the dungeons they delve.

But how did you come to such an odd profession?
>You were master of a small dungeon once, but were ousted by a group of plucky adventurers. You've taken on the trade out of desperation, but also to study adventurers up close, so that your next villainous venture might be more robust to plucky adventurers.
>You come from a long line of hirelings and retainers. Your great-great-grandfather once served as the companion of Aleph the Dragonheart, whose name has passed into bardic song. The family business has fallen on some hard times, but you hope to change all that.
>You were once a moderately successful adventurer yourself, but time and chance have reduced you to an impoverished old man. Still, you retain all your knowledge and wisdom and hope to impart it on the newer generation.
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Firelock 198X

ID:xTE/q0kg No.6036802 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Greetings, /qst/. I'd like to play a game.

Recently I stumbled across pic related, a science fantasy wargame someone has been cooking up, and has grabbed my interest for the past few days. While a Tabletop Simulator mod has been released, I have no one to play/learn the rules with. Would you all care to join me in learning how to play?

>The border regions between The Ebon Forest and the Intermarine have always been sights of skirmishes and conflicts between the two rivals. This morning is no different, as two patrols of either side, each thinking that this stretch of dirt rightfully belongs to them, encounter one another. Soon, the sounds of early birds will be replaced with the staccato chatter of machine guns and snarls of bloodthirsty beasts, and the stench of burning flesh...

Which army do you profess to be from? (I will take control of the one that you do not pic, don't worry when it is time for list building I do my own before I look at your)

>Federal States Army
Human forces in Union uniform, with decent Infantry and a wide variety of Armor to play with.

>Army of the Ebon Forest
Wolfmen in Strichtarn, what they lack in armored punch they make up for with ferocity of Tooth, Claw, and ATGM

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help me solve this bs :sob:

ID:RaN5jDOH No.6062435 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
this is bs :rage:

It's… Adventure Time!

ID:2rZxRDgh No.6049579 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Adventure Time,
C’mon grab your friends
We’re going to very
Distant lands. with
*** the ***,
And *** the ***
The fun will never end,
It’s adventure time!
>[input adventurer identity]
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enough is enough yall know what to do

ID:nxZ/CfyU No.6062411 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
watch this its enough proof

The Irresistible Succubus Demon Lord Seduces the Hero

!!XBNEnCfovkU ID:Q7KZ8U79 No.6052705 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are the demon lord, a powerful succubus who has conquered and now reigns supreme over the world of Silth. Humans, elves, and dwarves alike bow to your will, subdued by your mighty demon armies. But victory has grown tiresome. Your palace, though grand, feels like a gilded cage. Even the once-fearsome Hero languishes in your dungeons, his spirit broken.

A new quest forms in your mind: seducing and subjugating the Hero to your will. The Hero, a fair-haired, baby-faced champion, renowned for his prowess in swordsmanship and magic, once stood against you. Now, he's a prisoner in your palace.

>Flirt with him, perhaps even blowing a teasing kiss.
>Initiate a formal trial against him in the Demon Court.
>Subject him to incredibly harsh interrogation techniques.
>Write In
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Microsoft account Deleted

ID:LNON2ziB No.6061947 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi, I dont know where to go ask for help because everything else is very unhelpfull. so I was planning to play Minecraft today but i was logged out so i signed back in only to find out that my microsoft acount doesn't exist anymore, and my second minecraft account also is deleted.

I was playing yesterday so my account couldn't have gotten deleted due to inactivity.

also i checked other sources and doesnt work it says that the email adress doesnt exist anymore because it got deleted
however My microsoft store is still logged in but it bugged so i can see what happened i think my microsoft account got transfered over to another email [email protected]
I really dont know what to do i went everywhere and i mean EVERYwhere. Microsoft support wont let you sumbit a ticket unless you sign in 'which is imposible cuz my acc is gone' Im really sad because this used to be my brothers acc before he passed away. I think what happened is i went into a discord server for hypixel xommunity and i had to verify using my IGN and my email adress that was it I would never have expected that would be the reason that my acc god deleted. but there is hope I think The Minecraft account still exist but not on my account as it was transfered 'PillarManAwake' yea idk what to do
Can someone please help?