Last night, you had unpeeled an entire pack of infusers before curling into your sleeping tray, your mind shot with cyan-bright skies that your eyes would never see, fingers twitching at phantom greenery that your hands would never feel.
This morning, your mind feels clouded. Something had awoken you early. The sound of dead static morphs into an unfamiliar jingle.
<...we wish to express our sincere appreciation to you for making a <span class="mu-r">LOVE</span> donation. In order to make the experience as pleasant as possible, we have requisitioned a allow you to.... in the comfort of your own....>
Something thrums in the corner, too low-pitched to be your air conditioner.
Welcome to <span class="mu-r">LOVE</span> QUEST. This is a fairly unserious, extremely brief 5-10 update quest that I had originally scheduled for Valentine's day.
>How to use the Red Truth <span class="mu-r">The Red Truth[/spoiler:lit] is a fact that can be presented by the one hosting the mystery (also known as the Witch side) without any evidence or proof to support it. But, while undeniable, it can have multiple interpretations. The multiple interpretations mark a large foothold for the opposing players (also known as the Human side) to attack; therefore, the Red Truth must be used with care. Conversely, a refusal to validate a statement in Red invokes another Devil's Proof; a lack of validation won't prove a statement's truth but can't disprove its falsehood.
>How to use the Blue Truth <span class="mu-b">The Blue Truth[/spoiler:lit] is used to present a possibility to counter the logic of the Witch's side. The Blue Truth usually takes the form of a theory to counter the Witch and requires the Red Truth to be confirmed or denied. The Blue Truth must be used in a manner that advances the user's overall theory, rather than simply fishing for more information. Any assertions made in Blue must directly deny the influence of the supernatural in the events of a gameboard's story. The Witch side may delay until the end of the game to challenge Blue Truths; after all, only one puzzle unsolved by any explanation other than magic is enough to sustain the Illusion of the Witch, but one carelessly phrased Red Truth can eliminate the possibility of magic from all of them. One effective denial isn't fatal, but unchallenged denial of magic in all the mysteries becomes a categorical denial of Witches.
>How to use the Gold Truth [gold]The Gold Truth[/gold] is on par with the Red Truth, although it may be inferior or superior depending on the situation. It can be explained as a truth constructed from belief that is acknowledged and shared between people. It can be used by anyone who truly understands the gameboard.
>How to use Purple Statements Purple Statements are seen as important spoken statements during the narration of a story and they possess the same standing as the Red Truth. However, they are different in that a culprit can lie with Purple. Example: "[purple]Battler was in the dining room[/purple], while Jessica was outside." To turn it around, non-culprits can only speak the truth in Purple. What defines a culprit depends on the gameboard, but usually the culprit is one who kills or plans to kill someone during the story.
>How to use the Green truth >I seriously hope you guys don't need an explanation for this one
<span class="mu-i">And there came a day unlike any other... When Earth's mightiest heroes found themselves united against a common threat... </span> <span class="mu-i">On that day, they became...</span> <span class="mu-s">The Avengers!</span>
Welcome to Avengers Quest. This is but one of many realities where the group known as The Avengers is formed... But the team's fate, and perhaps even the entire Earth's fate, will be decided by YOUR collective choices... But no matter what, they must stand together, or Earth will fall!
<span class="mu-s">This is a quest where you will give commands to a character, but with one simple caveat: You can ONLY move ONE character in your post until the next QM post. Nobody "owns" any of the player characters, anybody can play them until the next "turn", but always only one per post.</span> Make sure to write which character you are choosing for in your post.
Now, before the adventure starts, choose <span class="mu-s">5 initial Avengers</span> from the 14 available. Vote for 5 in your post and the ones that repeat the most will be chosen. The first threat they face will also depend on this. Note that the characters not chosen may appear later on anyway depending on how the story goes. Now <span class="mu-s">SELECT YOUR AVENGERS!</span> <span class="mu-s">IRON MAN</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: Armored hi-tech hero. Millionaire.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Weak under armor. Smarmy.</span> <span class="mu-s">THOR</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: Norse God of Thunder. Wields Mjolnir.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Speaks weird. Exiled from Asgard.</span> <span class="mu-s">THE HULK</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: Gamma-powered powerhouse. The strongest.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Struggles to contain his strength.</span> <span class="mu-s">THE WASP</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: Bio-modified size-changing fashionista. Good leader.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Vulnerable when small.</span> <span class="mu-s">ANT-MAN</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: Ant-commanding size-changing mad scientist.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Emotionally volatile. A bit crazy.</span> <span class="mu-s">CAPTAIN AMERICA</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: Patriotic soldier of liberty. Indestructible shield.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Old fashioned and stubborn.</span> <span class="mu-s">CAPTAIN MARVEL</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: Alien-tech-powered ex-pilot, high-flying heroine.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Brash and impulsive.</span> <span class="mu-s">HAWKEYE</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: World's absolute best archer. Many gimmick arrows.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Deaf. No powers. Rude.</span> <span class="mu-s">BLACK WIDOW</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: International woman of mystery super spy.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Shady past. Untrustworthy?</span> <span class="mu-s">BLACK PANTHER</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: King of Wakanda powered by a magical herb.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Uptight. Kingly obligations.</span> <span class="mu-s">CRYSTAL</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: Inhuman Princess with power over elements.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Young. Diplomatic obligations.</span> <span class="mu-s">BLACK KNIGHT</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: Modern-day knight with a cursed sword.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Knight with a CURSED sword.</span> <span class="mu-s">TIGRA</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: Feline powers. Mutated, strong as a tiger.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Vulnerable to sensory attacks.</span> <span class="mu-s">MOON KNIGHT</span> <span class="mu-g">PROS: Servant to a mad Moon God. Ex-Merc.</span> / <span class="mu-r">CONS: Kinda crazy. Weaker during the day.</span>
The world is shadowed in misery. The two dark humors that rule mankind are Fear and Hunger. Journey with us, guide your weary body through the winds and chattering teeth of the dungeons, lose yourself to the macabre, you dancer of shadows.
Last time, on Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai! Peppa finished up her Spirit Control training with Pybara and went to a Winter formal with Cocoa, while Izzy managed to finish the spell prep to rescue one of the displaced heroes! With the Time Patrol’s assistance, three teams were set up to rescue Chiaotzu, Shin, and Tien, with Izzy, Gohan, and Peppa joining the respective teams for each. Izzy, 19, 16, Chuu Lee, Raditz, Sala, and Hado all join up to rescue Chiaotzu, finding him him displaced all the way to a universe ruled and managed by powerful planetary Kami in elevated positions calling themselves “Archons” and opposed by the powerful warrior Hearts, who had been training Chiaotzu since finding him!
Teaming up with Hearts and defeating one of them while subduing and even convincing another, Zelos, to ease from his tyrannical path and join the fight against the others. Finally, in planning a move against the leader of the Archons, Yalbadoth, the group recruits the deceased son of the man, Ryuuno, in an effort to bolster their forces against him! However, Izzy caught on to something not being right with Hado, finding a being called the Promethean Chronicler taking up residence in his mind… and ready to offer him a deal. Will Izzy and co. manage to defeat Yalbadoth and bring Chiaotzu back home? What of Gohan and Peppa’s teams? Good luck, Izzy! Good luck, Gohan! Good luck, Peppa!
Your name is Fido Ballthrow... and your life is extremely complicated. In three days, you, and everything you know and love will be destroyed, and if you do not kill some random rich guy (who for some reason wants you dead), the entire world will be plunged into eternal suffering and damnation. Well, at least that's what you think, anyway. In the days that have passed so far you have found a (very scary) girlfriend, got your best friend shot, and “reconnected” with your family. Now it's time for you to reconnect with another part of your past... your friends! You peek through the window of the house in front of you. You can hear people talking from the inside, some of the voices you recognize. You sigh, build up the courage, and then knock. After a few moments, the door opens, and you're face-to-face... with HIM. "Oh... my... God..." he says, his mouth agape, but soon his expression changes into one that is disgustingly cheerful, "Fibro! Welcome, man! How the heck is it going?! It's so great to finally meet you!" He walks up, noticing the bandages around your head. "Oh, yeah! Alice told me about that... great kid! Maybe you'll have a sick scar or something!" You really do hate this guy. He opens his arms as if expecting a hug. What do you do?
DAYS: 3 DAY TIMER: 15:19:00
>Punch him >Hug him >Pat him on the shoulder >Stare at him >Ask him where Lily is >Ask him where Felino is >Ask him where Alice is >Ask him how he's doing >Something else
Prior to 2070, a third world war happened, throwing the population in a downwards decline. Humanity tried solving it’s labor shortage by allowing human cloning, however it backfired, as the blueprints got leaked, and the world was swarmed with an overpopulation of clones. After secret documents got out, confirming the existence of a hundred special operations clones, the practice got banned again globally, and all clone life was deemed illegal, with specialized forces formed to find and capture any remaining clones. Many were captured, put back to work in key industries, many were killed, and some escaped and are on the run. It is now 2090, both the human and clone populations are unconfirmed, leading to increased distrust and tensions, the world is on the brink of collapse.
Like the old story about Pandora’s box, humans have a tendency to unleash horror upon themselves, and whether this particular cataclysm will be the end of humanity, or merely another bump in it’s journey is yet to be seen. But you don’t care too much, seeing most humans don’t even view you as equal. Monica Hopkins, a nice name, certainly better than „CCST-64-F“, the factory code printed in the small electronic sheet implanted into your eye. The name was chosen by your creators, all tho the reason being practicality more than attachment. You were one of a secret line of clone humanoids, created specifically for spy operations, hovewer due to human hubris, your very existence is now outlawed. You realize your purpose everytime you look into the mirror. A rat meant to spy on the French government, and yet most of the world no longer believes in localized governments. „Get moving, you’ll miss the train“ a grumpy voice reminds you, Drew Hill is a nice old man. At one point he held a gun up close to your forehead, and with anger in his eyes shouted obscenities at you. That’s long passed, he’s no longer in the police, and even if he was, he’s not one to shoot people for biological differences. You pick up your bag and trail off. „Have a nice day Drew“ you say before closing the door. You head out to the city, the train already closing into the stop as you approach. While clone labor is outlawed, most places will still hire if the need is there, which has allowed you to pick up oddjobs and part time work across the city. Today you head out to the inner city for a bartending job. It’s well paying, and a nice opportunity to get out in between some people, but the risk of capture increases as more eager bounty hunters seek out clones. You step on the train and pay for your ticket, most seats are empty, so you get to chose a nice window seat. As the train begins moving you notice a younger woman eying you up suspiciously from the neighboring seats. By her outfit, you can tell she might be a plainsclothes officer, ironically for being out of uniform, most of these cops dress the same. >Engage the woman in conversation >Ignore the woman >Get out on the next stop
You are Nathan Drake. An ordinary person. Ordinary looks, ordinary life. At least, you think so, because you can’t remember.
No, not that Nathan Drake from the video games. You’re from Earth, so you know the reference.
You can’t remember anything else. As you open your eyes, you find yourself lying on the grass. You’re in the middle of a forest. The sun mercilessly shines over your face, prompting you to get up. It must be around midday.
How unlucky. You can’t remember anything, and you don’t know where you are.
Where are you? You look around. Tall aspens with white bark and golden leaves tower over you. And though the sky still looks like it’s summertime, you wager it must be fall, since the leaves have already turned.
You feel thirsty. Instinctively, you get up and start walking. One direction leads deeper into the woods. The other, towards a clearing. A way out of the forest, heading into an open area. As you’re still a bit disoriented, you can’t be sure of your location.
You start looking yourself over. You’re wearing a pair of jeans, sneakers and a shirt. Nothing out of the ordinary. An odd thing occurs to you however… but before you can figure out exactly what it is, a voice interrupts you.
“Hey you!”
==The following quest is a work of fiction. Any and all similarities to characters, groups or entities in real life are purely *laughs* coincidental.==
==Rules== This will be a lighthearted Quest inspired by video games/movies, and classic choose-your-own adventure novels… Note: The quest may move rapidly at the beginning, and during certain times. However, I’ll give major events and choices at least half a day to a day or so, so everyone can throw their vote in. RNG will be kept to a minimum. Players need only to worry about a few things. One mechanic is Luck. Sometimes, the players will be given choices to either test their luck in a given situation or not. You will learn more about this eventually. The choice with the most support is taken. Some events have an opportunity for write-ins. The write-in with the most support is taken. Some events with write-ins, players can write their own dialogue ideas (asking questions, actions, observations, reactions.) Warning: May contain violence, explicit language, suggestive themes. Enjoy. ====