Anons, i need help, but i have no idea what im doing. I was playing a shitty phone game made in unity that i like, but it turns out the dev company apparently went bankrupt or something, and stopped updating the game. It was still somehow up for 2 years, but i think it finally kicked the bucket, because its not loading me in anymore, it just gets stuck on the loading screen. Independent of wheter the server is finally down or i ran into a bug that can't be fixed that is happening to at least 5 more people, its still means that this game is most likely dead forever. Thing is, i want to save the music and the images if possible. But i have no idea what im doing. I barely know how to open the .apk file, but thats it. All i find is metadata archives, .so archives, and the largest one is some unity3d shit. Please help me, anons. There is next to no mention of this game anywhere. I want to save these things if possible, otherwise it might be gone forever.
I got this PC 2 years ago and it downloaded really big games in an hour. Last year, it downloads games ridiculously slow where it takes 24 hours total and possibly more to download a game. Is there any fix to this whatsoever?
Im looking for an anime. I only saw one clip of it. From what I remember, i had a girl who was either a cat girl or had fake cat ears on, trying to get the attention of some normal cats. She was saying something like “don’t be shy” or “welcome” to them, but they wouldn’t come to her. She then cried about it and that’s where the clip ended. Anyone have the show and episode this is from?
I'm sure there's a lot of you here who has seen people post, grift and debate about wanting unapologetically, hyper masculine, politically incorrect stuff back. I really don't wanna get to into it but if they want it "back", what exactly do they want back. I wanna make a comprehensive list of what they might be talking about so...just spitball whatever ideas you might like, what you THINK they like and we go from there.
Games, Movies, TV shows, Comics, whatever. I was thinking XXX, the Chronicles of Riddick Games and the Attitude and Ruthless Eras of WWE, but that's probably normie shit.
hey image unrelatd trying to find an old 4chan post about a simulation warlord emerging in an apocalypse emulation run by the CIA. I think he was a doomsday prepper and he ends up running a cult or something and his name is warlord bill or some bullshit idk i don't remember and cant find it. help, pls. thanks in advance kind anon
I had to use MatLab for a scientific computing project but now I want learn a real programming language. If I had to pick one Python book/tutorial and stick with it until the end , which one should it be?