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Threads by latest replies - Page 11

No.1518754 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have an android phone connected to windows 10.
How do I determine the path to it in java?

For example the path to hard drive A would be just "A:\\"

And I can just call
>new File("A:\\")

How do I do the same with the android device in pic related?

Having issues uploading DVD to

No.1518861 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm trying to upload an old, out-of-print documentary in ISO format to The file is less than 3 GB in size. The upload finishes entirely, but then it just stalls and never finalizes. Bandwidth isn't the problem, as the upload itself only takes about a minute.

No.1518920 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is/are the best non-glowie sites for searching for public torrents? The last time I went searching for something that wasn't anime the pirate bay was in its original form

Looking for a specific fascist/nazi image

No.1518820 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm currently writing a "thesis" (really just a big exam for some private schooling shit) on fascism and its relation to religion, especially its rejection of all abrahamic religions in both the 1930s/40s and in modern times (after 2020) i spent a little while on tiktok and found an image i think was perfect to summerize the relations of atlesst some members. Thought i saved it but i didn't and cant find it online
It was a nazi or fascist skull with 4 arms to mimic the swastika holding one knife in each hand and each knife destroyed a symbol, one christian cross, one islamic crescent moon, one star of david and one hammer and sickle on a nazi red background.
I assume someone here probably has the image, care to share?

Know this anime?

No.1518921 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
For some reason today I thought of an anime (maybe a manga, too) that I have seen in review compilations only and I can't find it for the life of me!

It's an older series (80s/90s). The main character is some kind of gang/yakuza leader, but he has a bumbling comedic side while he fights other gangs/bosses. He has a thin black moustache and a buzzcut with triangles/sharkteeth trimmed in it. He might wear a blue kimono with black highlights.

Does something like this exist, or am I remembering it wrong after seeing it once in a review 15 years ago.

Random pic.

No.1517701 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Looking for anime original recommendations that are like Cowboy Bebop in that it's
>episodic but a general overarching "plot" that is not the primary focus
>focused on character story rather than combat or powerlevels
>setting that feels lived in
and can but doesn't necessarily have to be
>80s/90s anime
13 posts and 2 images omitted

No.1517868 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scrolling too fast on twitter and I saw this video of a short haired girl with glasses standing up and removing her jacket and she's got some huge boobs in tight sweater.
The art style is a bit old looking but not really. I'm going crazy trying to find it since twitter doesn't keep track of watched history.
Pic related she kinda looks like that.
1 post omitted

Minecraft skin edit

No.1518903 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Need help making this minecraft samurai armor fit (specifically, the mask, the sleeve, gauntlet and everything that's not covered by the diamond armor) with the old diamond armor texture.