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Threads by latest replies - Page 13

No.1518392 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
can someone tell me how to draw like this?
(pic related)

No.1518747 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anyone knows a way/method to fucking download ppt from these AI generation websites?
almost all of their dedicated download button or export methods be it to ppt, pdf, images are fucking locked on a paywall (20-50 bucks per month, some even goes for 80 bucks per 1 ONE ppt download.

i am mainly looking at this source:

and ive been looking for hours to actually download the ppy ive made for 2 mins and edited for another 2.

desu i couldve used those wasted hours just copy pasting and mimicing it, but i have like, 5-10 more presentations to do in the 2-3 months.

Manga with chapter about healer falling in love

No.1518732 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I remember reading this fantasy manga and there's a chapter about how parties sometimes fall apart because the healer needs to make physical contact with whoever they heal, which causes people to feel they're close to them, and then jealous when they have to heal somebody else. Has anyone read anything like that?

Google takeout playlists

No.1518777 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Jewtube deleted my decade plus year old channel
Downloaded most of my videos but what really pisses me off is that I've lost my playlist. Apparently you can use Google takeout to download your playlists but I'm not seeing the option. Can anyone help me out?

No.1518569 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I wanna move a city with baby smooth roads and streets that are great for rollerblading on. Ideally one that is as White as possible, or at least not almost completely overrun with non-Whites. I can tolerate a moderate amount, I just don't want more than half of the people that I see on the street to be... yknow. I'm not even that racist, I just really prefer being around people who look and feel like me.

Where should I go?

No.1518766 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
newfag here. What website where can I see people banned on 4chan?

No.1517785 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone with coding knowledge help me convert a save file? I recently bought card-an-ciel after playing a pirated version and I tried transferring my save file over but the official version keeps saying it can't read the gamedata or savedata.
Anyone know how to fix this? I'd rather not restart 50 hours of progress.
1 post omitted