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Threads by latest replies - Page 6

No.1519397 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need help with code HS bowling python!!!

Fulfilling an old request

No.1519228 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I would like to fulfill a request I saw a man make, three years ago:

In that time, off and on, as I go through my old files, I have always kept it at the back on my mind, to keep an eye out for it. I even went looking when he requested it originally, but couldn't find it then so didn't say anything.

Now, though, I just found it and even if he'll never see it, I want to put the image of this reaction face out there.
This is clearly the one he was requesting.

No.1519396 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the name of this iPhone?

No.1516957 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
anime girls smoking weed plz
82 posts and 76 images omitted

For women, is Korea still a fun place to visit or live in?

No.1519469 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Judging from many online opinions, it's not so much for men any longer

No.1519027 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was using this Chrome extension to download images from all the open tabs, but it recently stopped working. I've been looking for alternatives that work with the current version of Chrome, but I haven't found anything similar yet. If it's not too difficult, could someone help update the extension? Here's the GitHub link with the files:

No.1519241 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have working torrents or ddl links for the UnOrdinary webcomic? All I can find is either dead [Rare, Swaggy] or in Spanish.

No.1519377 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is this architecture style called and which places have buildings like this? It's from the Devil May Cry anime.

Twitter Media Downloader

No.1517235 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need a Chromium extension that adds a download button to Twitter so I can download the images with a proper file name easily.
I used to use Twitter Media Downloader back in the day, but that is kill.
I don't want to go around installing and trying loads of random extensions because at least half of them are probably pozzed.

Is there such an extension? I'm not looking to scrape and batch download media or tweet data, I just want a single download button to a tweet like Twitter Media Downloader.
5 posts omitted

No.1519315 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi, I don't know if this is the right board to ask this but here is my question:
I want to create a story but I don't have interest in drawing but I'm pretty sure that if I write a book my story will be dead already since very little people read book nowdays.
If I don't want to learn to draw and I don't want to spend money for paying someone else to draw should I make something like a light novel at least?
How many people are willing to read a shitty drawn comic?