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Threads by latest replies - Page 8

No.1519239 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need an extension, script, etc that restores the Google "sort by size" feature, so I can find the highest quality version of a certain image. The simpler the better.

It was so handy.
Why does Google HATE me and my image OCD habits? This is like the 4th time they have fucked up a simple image-related feature.

Film about kids that makes a movie?

No.1515193 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's a movie I saw about 24 years ago, I think. The movie is NOT Wild America (Wild America has some similar elements but is a completely different kind of film). The movie I'm looking for must be from the 90s or very late 80s.
It's about a family that goes on vacation north, almost to Canada, and the kids make a movie about a native myth about bears.

Here's the order or events as I remember:

>The dad worked at a photo developing place, and didn't like the job very much. He used to dream about being a film maker.
>His son (11 to 13 or so) meets his very weird friend, and they go home.
>The dad tells the kids about filming, shows them his old equipment, and then basically says "fick it, if you kids wanna make a movie, let's".
>So the whole family (dad, son, younger daughter, mom) plus the son's friend go north where they know people, and visit a place where a Native American works with bears.
>The Native American fellow tells them a legend about "mother bear", and they film him narrating. Then they film bears, and they edit it so the narration goes over footage of bears.
>Then they go back home, and show their movie to the community, and everyone loves it.

So, rings a bell?
There are some other details I remember, but I don't wanna make the OP too long. Minor details in the next post.

12 posts and 4 images omitted

No.1518953 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is this fallacy called?

No.1519316 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anybody have the screenshot of that one dude on facebook (I think) where he talks about making real Futas using CRISPR or parasites or whatever the hell he wrote? I think it was part of a meme with Thanos saying "They called me a madman." I had the picture a long time ago and I cannot find it anymoe.

No.1518678 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anybody know the source of this? Thanks in advance
3 posts and 1 image omitted

Does anyone know what stone this is?

No.1519210 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm in the possession of about 30 slabs of this here stone. Does anyone know what it is?

They are 2feet x 3feet and 3/4in thick. Heavy as hell

No.1519289 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I copy and paste all files from a collection of dozens of different folders, without having to individually open each folder and move the files?

I have a bunch of images downloaded in different folders and I want to mass move all images in each folder into a single folder

No.1519284 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
where do i can tell some funny story from school on 4chan?

No.1519117 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can anons recommend me animes set in a victorian/belle epoque scenario? Preferably with a detective/investigative theme, like Gosick. I have been watching this series and the story structure is pretty good.
I already watched Last Exile and Steamboy, for reference.